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Days coming by.
Sad times getting more.
Day by day.
Nothing change at all.

I wonder how she lives now, is she safe? Is she healthy? Is she fine? Is she taken good care? I will never have answers for my questions.

My life is getting boring and I started to think to end this stupid life of mine.

Jenna's Point of View

The morning sun have rise and the human who was laying next to me is already gone out of bed, probably taking good care of the twins or making breakfast.

Dejun always do this to us, sometime I want to do the same, but he just want to do it.

I went down and I saw the kids happily sitting in the living room talking about random stuff.

I greeted them goodmorning and I went to the kitchen next to greet Dejun.

"Why so early when it's weekend?" I asked.

"Because those two also woke up early and I played with them for a little while, then they suddenly started to get hungry so I cooked breakfast" he continued flipping pancakes.

"Should I Take turn?" I asked if he needs help.

"Just go have fun with the kids, it's almost done" I kissed his cheeks and he smiled.

I went back to the twins as what Dejun wanted me to do. Having the twins and Dejun with me is the most wonderful thing that happened to my life, I have Dejun to guide me to be a great mother to them, and the twins makes me happy even there is something that also makes me sad.

Kun came down with a mess hair with a morning look.

"Good morning uncle Kunie" Jade greeted their uncle Kun with a morning hug "did you have a fight with someone uncle Kunie?" Jaxson asked him and I laughed.

"Does uncle look that bad?" Kun asked him.

"Still handsome like dad!" Jade cheered to him and Jaxson agreed with her.

"Breakfast is ready everyone!" Dejun called from the dinning area and the kids raced towards the dinning area.

"Those kids are hungry" I said to Kun and he nod "they will grow up healthy" Kun replied.

"Morning" Kun greeted Dejun, Dejun greeted him back and we all settle down.

My phone suddenly rang from the living room, I excused myself to answer the call that is from unknown number.

"Hello? Is this Jenna Seo?" A woman's voice from the other line of the phone said.

"Jenna Seo speaking, who is this?" I asked and sat down to the couch.

"This is ******* Hospital, Mr. Jung Yoon Oh was found unconscious in his hotel room this early morning, he is currently in the ICU right now" why on earth they would contact me?

"Did you already contact his wife? Or family?" Why does he have my new number?

"You are the only important contact in his phone" the woman replied.

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now