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Jenna's Point of View

2 weeks later

"YAH! The results are out" Chenle screamed like a dolphin.

"Congrats" I weakly said to him.

"You are the highest honor, aren't you happy?" Chenle sat next to me, he already knew what happened.

"I still have to make a speech" I just laid my head in the table.

"WAHH!!" Jaemin run to us with Jeno "you're on the news again, you are on the highest rank!" He cheered with Jeno.

"Why you don't seemed happy?" Jeno asked, I didn't answer them and I just walk out of the classroom and went to the rooftop of the building and look at the sky.

What's the use when Yoon Oh is going to marry someone else, and magically left me.

My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket.

"Hello?" I answered without looking who is the caller.

"Congratulations sis!" Johnny shouted from the phone.

"Thank you Johnny" I plainly replied.

"You don't seem happy about it" He said.

"What's the point?"

"Forget about him Jenna, when you come home, let's celebrate" Johnny beamed

"Let's just do it after graduation"

"Ok! If you say so"

"Gotta go, bye Johnny" I ended the call first.

Chenle's Point of View

Jae Hyun asked me to look after Jenna, at first I wanted to decline since I am Jenna's friend, but Jae Hyun was being persistent.

I follow Jenna and watch her and report to Jae Hyun. Jae Hyun is also a bit depressed about their break up, sometimes he calls me in the middle of the night when he can't sleep and just ask random things about Jenna's doings, or sometimes he just calls me and says how much he missed her so bad.

Jae Hyun can't go near her anymore, because he is scared of making her cry. We don't mention Jae Hyun's name when she is around to avoid making her cry.

This time I didn't want to leave her alone anymore, I approached her and sat next to her.

"How did you find me?" She asked with a weak tone.

"I always follow you because I'm worried about you" I rub my hand to her shoulder.

"Thank you Chenle, for being here next to me" She suddenly hug me and cried.

"Please don't cry" I wiped her tears, but cries harder "please don't be sad"

"Soon you will also leave and go back to China" I just smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll come and visit you, I promised you that, plus I also promised to communicate with you everyday, right?" She just nod.

The rest of the day me and Chenle stayed in the rooftop and talked random things, like how we should spend our time before he leaves for China, like we will go somewhere with the other guys, go to the sea, or just a vacation for us and a simple getaway.

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