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Jenna's Point of View

I felt someone's presents sitting in the bed, I opened my eyes and see if it's Johnny, but I was wrong, I was Yoon Oh, he was putting a dump towel on my head, he give me a cute smile, I smiled back at him.

"Why are you here?" I asked kindly, he just keeps on smiling.

"Your brother asked me too" he suddenly cup my cheek "are you feeling better?" I just nod to him.

"Is it ok to bother you?" He just nod to me "I'm hungry" I laughed a little, then he made me sit on the bed, he took a bowl from the night stand with porridge, I was about to take it "no, I will feed you" I just nod, I opened my mouth and he fed me.

"Won't your girlfriend will get jealous if you do this?" I asked.

"Well? Nope, she won't" he answered me and I'm extremely confused "I don't have a girlfriend, but I found this amazing girl, I met here twice" he said with a big smile, he fed me again.

"Well, I think she is lucky to have you, I hope you both will keep seeing each other's" I said positively and pat his shoulder.

"I hope she won't go back to Chicago" after he said it, he look down right away, maybe Johnny was right about what he said last night.

"You should take her out" I said, maybe this time he will give more information.

"Would you go out with me then?" He looked at me with a worried face "I will take you anywhere you want to go, won't matter where"

"Johnny was right" I accidentally mumble "did Johnny tell you about my feelings?" I just nod "everything?" I nod again, I can see his ears bright red.

"So you were talking about me?" He shyly nod, he is so cute when he does that "you are the lucky girl that you talk about earlier" I still can't believe it, Johnny was always right.

"So that's why you're here?" I asked again.

"Yes, I love you so much, I fell for you harder when you were standing right in front of me, I didn't know what to do with myself last night" he said while feeding me "I'm willing to do everything I have to do just to win your heart, I know this is super straight forward, but I just can't hold my feeling" he finished feeding me and he fed me with medicine.

"You don't have to" I smiled.

"I want to" he took my hand and placed it in his chest, it was beating really fast "did you feel it?" I just nod to him.

"Yoon Oh, what if I will accidentally do something wrong? I don't want to break anyone's heart" I look down "I'm willing to risk" he gave me a hug, his hug is so warm "can we rest? Or just watch movies?" I suddenly asked he laughed and agreed, we are laying in my bed, i was hugging him like a pillow, he is so comfortable.

"I always do this to Johnny" I said to him, he smiled to my and kissed my forehead, what did he just do?

"Then you should stop doing it to Johnny then and do it with me" I laughed "but he is my brother" I pout.

"Don't pout at me Ms. Seo or else that lips of yours will have mine" I hid my face on his arm, his phone suddenly rang from his pocket, he let me see the called.

'Brother-In-law' with Johnny's face.

Wow, he thinks super advance. I mentally laugh.

He answered the phone and put it in loud speaker.

"Hey, I just arrived in Busan" Johnny said "is my sister doing fine?"

"Yes, she is" he replied "I just finish feeding her and now we are watching a movie"

"Really?" He said with extremely annoying voice "where? In bed? In the living room?"

"Just in bed, she is sick and I can't just let her walk around sick"

"If I come back with kids running around I'm so cutting your balls off"

"What the fuck Johnny" I yelled "Well, that's a nice idea" Yoon Oh suddenly said, I looked at him with a pout "I thought you won't hurt me?" I said with a cute voice.

"I won't, but that's the process of making love, but it will turn to good"

"Yaaaa! Will you stop?" Yoon Oh laughed loudly.

"I won't, since you told her about me, now I finally got the chance, thank you so much" he said to Johnny and kissed my forehead "So it's official?"

"Not yet, but I'm still thinking about how" he smirk, I looked at him "should I ask her to become my wife?"

"Yaaaa! I just saw my sister and now your taking her away" he fake cry "you're the one who pushed me to Yoon Oh" I replied to him with a poker face and Yoon Oh just laugh.

"So you're calling Jae Hyun by his real name? Maybe soon you'll call him hus- Mr. Seo, Mr. Lee is already here" he is a busy man now "Sorry, I have to Go, Jae Hyun, please take care of her, I love you darling" Johnny ended the call.

Yoon Oh's Point of View

Jenna fell asleep while watching movies, I pushed her to my chest.

Now I know what's the feeling being with the woman you love, seeing her sleeping your arms peacefully. Being inlove to someone is new to me, being with your love makes you happy, not just temporary happiness, but infinite happiness.

Johnny was right, once I see her, my world becomes upside down, she is easy to love and hard to hate. Johnny treats me a younger brother, but he helped me find the one and only in my life. Johnny helped me a lot of things ever since we moved here in Korea, I didn't know that Johnny can lead me to successful career, without him probably I'm still stuck in Los Angeles with my parents.

I turned off the TV and fall asleep, I placed my chin on Jenna's head and fall into a nice peaceful sleep.

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