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Jenna's Point of View

The day had come.

Me and my parents are on our way to the airport, they are driving me to the airport before they go to work, they wanted me to arrive the airport safely and wants me to be with them before I leave for my first ever long flight.

When we arrived the airport, my dad took my bags from the trunk, I thanked him.

"Make sure to send us a message once you and Young Ho see each others, Ok?" my mom said, they always make sure, me and my brother are safe or fine, that's how much they love us even my brother is annoying them sometimes HAHAHAHAHAH!

"I will, once I can borrow Johnny's phone to contact you" I said to them, I gave them a hug "Don't worry too much, I'm going to be alright" I said so they would think positively "I will go now, I don't want you two to be late" I smiled to them "I don't want a younger sibling when I come back" I joke to ruin the weird atmosphere, they both laugh.

"We are too busy for that" my dad replied to my joke quickly "You better go now, your brother is waiting for you in Korea" they both give me a goodbye kiss and I give them back a kiss "Have fun!" my mom said, I slowly dragged my bags while smiling to them.

Seoul Korea, here I come!

After I checked in, I took a seat on the waiting area.

I sent my brother a text on IMessage.

I'm at the airport : Me

Johnny : That's Good!!!

Johnny : I can't wait for you!!!!!!!!!

Johnny : I can't sleep!!!

You are the one who told me not to sleep much : Me

So I could sleep in the plane : Me

Johnny : I'm super excited!!

Johnny : I'm still thinking where we should eat lunch tomorrow when you arrive

Stop thinking about my arrival : Me

I might not land in Seoul Korea : Me

Johnny : I'll fetch you!

Johnny : Where ever you land

I'll land in Pyeongyang dummy : Me

Johnny : STILL COMING!!!

GOSH!! : Me

Go to SLEEP! : Me

Johnny : M'kay!!!

I'm going to board the plane soon : Me

Johnny : OKAAAAYYY!!!!

And do nothing XD : Me




Goodnight!! : Me

Gonna go now : Me

Johnny : Byeeeeee


Johnny : TAKE CARE!!


I put my phone to my pocket and stand to go to my gate.

This is it! Vacation, here I come!!

I finally get to settle in my seat, seating in the business class is so peaceful. The plane is going to take off soon, but I still don't have anyone sitting next to me which is good.

I just let myself and fall into a nice peaceful sleep.

it's so relaxing


I woke up from my super long nap 2 hours before the plane landed in Incheon, I took everything I owned and walked out the plane, I'm super energized now.

HA!! I made it, I step foot in Korea, my parent's home land.

I took a picture of the plane when I had a great view of it and posted on Instagram.

I went straight to the process right away so I could get out of this airport as soon as possible to see my brother.

While I was waiting for my bags to come out so I could get it, good thing it came right away I was about to lift my heavy bag when an airport personnel helped me with my luggage.

After I got everything I thanked him for his kindness, I was going to give him a tip in exchange, but he stopped me. I walk out and I saw my brother waving with flowers on his other hand.

He is so cute, I took a picture of him and sent it to our family group chat proof that I saw my dear brother, after I took a photo I put my phone back to my pocket and drag my bags to him and hug him.

I missed his bear hugs.

"I missed you so much baby girl" I just smiled of what he said "I'm glad you are finally here" he let go of the hug and look at me "You've grown so much!"

"You're only gone for 1 year, I haven't change that much" he took all of my bags and took me to his car.

He manage to put everything settled, good thing I only took two luggage with me or else everything won't fit into his trunk.

"Welcome to Korea" he said when we both got into his car "You know I'm still hoping that you will join college here" he started the car and starts to drive.

"Well? Maybe? I'm not sure of it" I thought about it lately, but I think it's hard to try to adopt Korean environment less than a year, we'll see about that.

"Mom and dad is fine with it right?" I just nod and he keeps on smiling.

"Gosh! You are so creepy" I said to him.


"You keep on smiling" I replied to him right away "I'm just really happy to see you again, and I even got off of work as early as I can, can't you see? I'm still wearing office clothes" I took a look at him and yes! He is still wearing formal office clothes.

"So?" I started off for new topic "What's the menu for lunch?"

"Korean!" He is so hyper, I still wonder if he ever had a rest last night or not "Everything is planned, so don't worry! You are going to enjoy and I'll make sure you won't go back to Chicago" he give me an evil smirk "for now, just rest" I just nod

I leaned my head to the window and I just close my eyes. SNAP! Sleeps right away.

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