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Jenna's Point of View

The next morning, Kun came with his friend. He invited a friend so the many the better, he is also friends with Yoon Oh and Johnny.

His name is Lucas Wong, he is from Hong Kong and he is staying here in Korea for awhile now, he is the same age as Mark. Kun introduced me to him as annoying, noisy Lucas.

Kun picked me up so we will have breakfast somewhere, I was sitting at the back, we chat random things, Lucas is not hard to be friends with, you can get along with him right away, he is like a free spirit guy.

Lucas told me that he will be soon working at Yoon Oh's company with Si Cheng once he finish college and he hopes to always see me.

We arrive in a cafe, the inside and outside of the cafe look so modern, the colors is nice, each corners of the cafe has its own color aesthetics, even the cupcakes, cakes, drinks and other stuff the sell has its nice aesthetic. The owner must have a good taste of style.

We took a booth to occupy, I sat next to Kun.

"You like fat Kun huh?" Lucas jokes at Kun who is about to smash his head to the table "stop calling me fat when I'm not" Kun replied with annoyed tone, Lucas just laughed at him "plus we like each other's as sister and brother, right" Kun raised his hand for a high five and I smacked my hand to his hand.

"You better behave, my soon-to-be-Boss might kill you" Lucas had another joke.

"The owner of this cafe has a nice style" I complimented and also to avoid Kun being annoyed to Lucas.

"The owner of this cafe is our friend" Kun replied "Tae Yong? I heard he has a restaurant Yuta even manage one of his restaurant, and they have good meals according to Mark" Lucas butt into our conversation.

"Yoon Oh took me there last night" I said to them "Nakamoto Yuta even served us a lot of different kinds of yummy dishes" our orders suddenly came, distributed by a handsome guy, he looked like one of those guys from the comic, but he is a real moving human being.

"Oh! Tae Yongie!" Lucas stood up and give him a bro hug "this is Lee Tae Yong" Kun pointed to the comic guy "he is the owner of this place, also the restaurant that Nakamoto Yuta is managing right now" Tae Yong bowed to me.

"Tae Yong, this is Seo Young Hee or Jenna Seo, Johnny's sister that we always thought as his girlfriend, she is here for a vacation and she is loving the cafe" Kun introduced me to the owner of this beautiful cafe, he hand me his hand for a hand shake, I gladly took it, I don't want to be rude, specially he is my brother's friend.

"I hope you would like it here and come back again" Tae Yong smile, I don't know weather he is really or not, but he looked like a comic character.

He is handsome, white, he has cute eyes, his hair is also cute, his hair was down in his for head "all of this are Tae Yong's work, the cooking, recipes" Kun suddenly butt in.

"Is he human?" I whispered to Kun enough for him to hear.

"Yes He is, He May look innocent, but he can be a really bad boy" stupid Lucas was listening to me the whole time and put his butt into my question to Kun, lucky Tae Yong only laughed "I know people says I look like a comic character, don't worry, I get that a lot" he smiled to me, even his smile seems like a comic character "I better get going, I still have to finish some cupcakes and cookies, enjoy your breakfast guys and I hope to see you again Ms. Seo" he give me a gummy smile and I just smiled back to him.

When he left Lucas was looking at me with a smirk plastered on his face "you like him?" Lucas asked me, gosh this man is evil "I promise to shut my mouth infront of Jae Hyun" he pretend to zip his mouth.

"Pretend my face" I said sarcastically to him, we started digging to our food, while I was eating, I can feel that I've been watch, it's not Lucas nor Kun, they are both busy in their own worlds with their food, I didn't bother to look around.

After our breakfast, we just sat there, looking at the students passing by, some are going to college. I look at Lucas who is just chilling in his seat, watching the other college students passing by, girls are also waving at him and he waved back, he even smiled.

"Do you know them?" Kun asked Lucas.

"Yup, those girls are a big fan of Jae Hyun, Mark always gets pissed of them" Lucas said and laughed "why?" Kun asked Lucas.

"They always pester Mark or Hae Chan for Jae Hyun's number" I just laughed of what Lucas replied to Kun "they are the known bitch in the campus, they are 'Jae Hyun's girlfriend wanna be', they even pretended 1 time that they had a sexual dududada with Jae Hyun and it was embarrassing" Lucas can't keep his mouth shut.

"Jenna, you should enter this university, I swear you will just laugh your ass out knowing what kind of fans does your boyfriend has" Lucas said "you should stay here, Me, Mark, Hae Chan is there for you, plus you are the sister of the other rich hottie"

BITCH WHAT? 'The rich hottie'?

"JOHNNY?" I accidentally screamed, Kun and Lucas laughed at my reaction "hottie my face, he even annoys the guts out of me" they continue to laugh "anyways, why are you even here?" I asked Lucas and he stop laughing "Don't you have to attend class?"

"Nah!" He swipe he hand in the air "today is a '1 day vacation for me'" he winked at me, I sarcastically laughed at him "good luck when your grades also have a vacation" Kun almost chocked on the water that he is drinking.

"Jenna" Kun took my attention to him "Don't you want to at least try to live here in Korea? Have college here, also maybe spend more time with Johnny and Jae Hyun?"

"Should I?"

"Is that even a question?" Lucas, again, butted into our nice conversation with Kun "if I were you, you should stay here, a lot of people will be happy, we have Johnny, your brother, Jae Hyun, your boyfriend, Fat Kun, your brother-wanna-be" Kun smack his head and still manage to continue "Me and friends, I'm sure everyone also wants you to stay, if you're worrying about Korean, don't worry!" He crossed his arms like a pro "you have me"

"Yeah!" Kun said "suffer with his extremely bad Korean" I laughed at Kun's Cute joke.

Maybe what Lucas said is a joke, but it also made me realize about it, my brother needs me, even Yoon Oh, I entered into a relationship with him that I can't just leave behind.

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