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Jenna's Point of View

After the ceremony ended, people crowded me before I was able to stand up, people came to congratulate me or gave me gifts or flowers and one guy came near me again, with roses on his hands and a big smile.

"Congratulations, you've made it" I looked down as he hand me his flowers "you don't know how proud I am, I wish you all the best for your future"

I just nod to him without saying anything, I turned my back and Chenle was there with a big teddy bear with flowers "surprise!" Chenle screamed with his dolphin spirit "most special gift from your special best friend" I laughed of what he said.

I always want to thank Chenle for being there for me when I'm sad or having bad day, at least Chenle is there to save me from Yoon Oh.

Chenle escorted me to my family, family that has the biggest smile with a proud face on, Chenle's family is also with my parents since they are friends. Chenle put down the big teddy bear and took the flowers that's in my hands and my brothers attacked me with a big hug.

"BABY!! YOU MADE IT!" Johnny shouted and Kun slap him "our ears you giant!" I laughed at Kun's reaction.

They both let go of me and Kun caress my cheek "it seemed like it was yesterday when we found out that we are siblings and now you are going to leave again" I hugged Kun "I'm sorry Kun" Kun just nod.

Johnny came and hug me "don't leave me!" Johnny whined like a baby and I just laugh at his childish

"Shut up big baby" I hug him back "who came to Korea first? It's you right?" I fired to him.

"Come on!" He whined "at least you made some amazing friends" I played losing the game.

We went to the restaurant with Chenle's family, our parents talked about business and stuffs like friendship. While we talked about fun thing, plans before I leave for Chicago.

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