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Jenna's Point of View

The dinner went well, everyone was enjoying except for Johnny, I noticed that he seems bother with something.

"You alright?" Yoon Oh asked, I just answered him with a nod.

"I'll talk to you later, you seems bothered with something" he draped his arm in my shoulder, I put a weak smile.

Even Yoon Oh noticed me being worried with something.

2 hours later

They all left except Yoon Oh since he wanted to talk to me, Kun also went with Johnny in the library to talk to him about something.

I took Yoon Oh out in the backyard to talk to him "did something happen to Johnny or Kun?" I asked Yoon Oh who is also clueless with my question "they both seems serious"

"Is that what you are worried about?" I shook my head.

"Ever since our mom called Johnny started to act differently, the way he acts today it seems like there is something off" I pulled out everything I thought to Yoon Oh, he came closer and locked me in his arms.

"Don't worry about it, you got me" I just nod and snuggle into this chest "Don't worry too much, Johnny will tell you anyways" I nod once again.

Johnny's Point of View

I brought Kun to the library to talk him alone.

"Is there something wrong? Did I make a mistake?" He asked me worriedly, I shook my head with a smile.

"I wanted to ask you few thing actually" I smiled to him and he calm down a bit "where is your real family Kun?"

"You already know" Kun looked down, I knew his story, but not everything until mom told me "why you suddenly ask?"

"Kun if you are given a chance, your father will comeback, how will you react?" I asked Kun with a change, he doesn't know what's going on or what's happening.

"Happy even it's only him, I would be thankful" He smiled while looking down.

"Do you think they are your real parents?" He looked at me with an insulted face.

"Why are you asking me this?" He seems a bit angry of my question, I just gave him a hug "I know you've always wanted to have a siblings, soon enough Kun you'll find out why I asked you, maybe next week"

I let go of Kun and pat his shoulder "I also want to take care of my youngers" he had a question look and I just smiled.

Tae Yong's Point of View

I know there is something with Kun and Jenna.

Not in the other way, but the sibling way.

We all knew that Jenna and Kun are close, and they started to treat each other's as siblings.

I think what I'm thinking is close to siblings, I'm also not sure with my thoughts.

I was watching them the whole time and I saw a lot of similar things that they both do, I also noticed that Johnny also seems off today and he keeps looking at Kun like there is something going on.

This air is getting hot.

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