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Jenna's Point of View

Kun came really early, he was excited to have a week off of work, I prepared right away while he was in the kitchen preparing a simple breakfast for us.

I went to the dinning area and Kun was already waiting for me there.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" I said to him and he just smiled "it's fine" he replied "let's eat" we started eating, I noticed that Johnny is not here anymore, it's really early and he already disappeared.

"Does Johnny goes to work this early?" I asked Kun.

"Yup, the early he gets there the early his secretary gets to flirt with him" Kun replied and let out a little laugh from his mouth, I burst into laughter "please don't tell him I told you that" I just nod while laughing.

"I want to visit him in the office soon and see" I said while laughing.

"Stop laughing" Kun tried to stop me while he also laugh "you might choke, Jae Hyun and Johnny might kill me" I stopped laughing when he mentioned Yoon Oh.

"How did you know?" I asked, why do people gets to know whatever the others know.

"He sent me a text this morning he told me to take care of you, he wants to see you in one piece later, he will kill me if he sees something bad on you" he mimicked Yoon Oh, while reading his phone, he passed me his phone and I also read it to make sure it's true and yes it's true "Jae Hyun is a bit over protective so bare with him" he laughed, I give him back his phone.

We finished eating, he offered to clean up and I went back to my room to get my bag, other stuff I need, and shoes.

We went to Kun's car, he started driving "where do you want to go?" Kun asked while driving to the highway.

"Anywhere" I simply replied to him "I don't know Korea that much yet"

Kun drove around the city, he drove around near Johnny's building, I was impressed, the company is big, it is also a big task for Johnny.

"Soon, you'll go in there, Johnny will introduce you to everyone" Kun suddenly said, we both go out of the car and we walk towards the park near the building.

"You are lucky to have a brother like Johnny" Kun let me sit on the bench and he sat next to me, not that far nor near "Johnny always thinks of you, he always wonders, he always shares stories about you and Johnny, and I really like your story, sometimes I wonder why you guys live apart, sometimes I wonder how you guys manage to be apart from each other's for a year"

"It's just life Kun, sometimes you have to try something new and you have to risk" I said while looking at him "how about you? Where is your family?" He looked down.

"I don't have any siblings" he simply replied, I put my hand on his shoulder "5 years ago I went on a trip with my parents, and we end up in a horrible car accident, when the ambulance arrived, my mother asked them to take me first, I wanted to go with them, when I woke up, I was alone in the hospital and I asked for my parents, the doctors told me they are both gone" I offered a hug to Kun after hearing his story about his family "sometimes I get jealous of Johnny because he has someone, he has a family to call"

"You didn't have to tell me" I told him while patting his back.

"Your hug feels so good, it felt like your a sister to me" I just smiled at his compliment "but I'm scared, Jae Hyun might get angry at me"

"It's alright, you need someone right now" I let go and smiled at him "I could be your sister" Kun had a bright smiled.

"Really? I don't want Jae Hyun or Johnny to think of something stupid about me" I just laughed "you know they are both over protective"

"Duh! Let them be" he smiled "I don't want to see you sad again Kun, ok?" I had a thumbs up and he did the same.

Hearing about Kun's is really sad, he had no one except his friends. Kun might be a great brother, he has a good attitude, he took good care of me, he follows stupid orders from my stupid brother. Maybe in the future Kun will have a nice family, a woman is going to be lucky when she wins Kun, Kun is handsome, cute at the same time like Yoon Oh, but Yoon Oh is Yoon Oh, Kun is Kun. They both have different charms.

That moment your Love and fav is there to fight for you, but men!! I am still loyal to Jaehyun 101%!!

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I hoped you liked it because it's hard to spazz, study and write at the same time, HAHAHAHA!!


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