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Jenna's Point of View

The day with Kun is almost going to end, Kun is driving me to Yoon Oh's office.

We arrived at Yoon Oh office, he offered taking me to Yoon Oh's office, the elevator doors opened and Si Cheng went in with surprised expression.

"Jenna! What are you doing here? And why are you with Kun?" Si Cheng asked, he also seem so happy to see me "Stupid dumb dumb Johnny gave Kun a vacation for a week and he have to spend his vacation with me" I replied to Si Cheng.

"And Jae Hyun wants his girlfriend" Kun added, I covered his mouth before he can say anything else.

"Wah! I'm so jealous of you Kun!" Si Cheng said and sounded like a kid.

We arrived at the right floor, they both lead me to Yoon Oh's office, they went in without knocking.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Yoon Oh said in a harsh why, he sounded a bit stress.

"Opps! Bad timing" Si Cheng said "I guess I get to spend time with Jenna while Jae Hyun is drowning to his work" Si Cheng joked, Yoon Oh look up right away when he heard my name.

"Baby!" Yoon Oh run towards me and pushed me to his chest "thank you for taking my baby in here Kun" Yoon Oh let go of me and kissed my cheek.

"Eehhgg" I heard Si Cheng, we both look at Si Cheng having a disgusted look "Come on Si Cheng, let's leave them alone" Kun said "I will see you tomorrow ok? Tell Johnny you are safely delivered to Jae Hyun" Kun said with a small joke, I smiled and Kun dragged Si Cheng out with him.

"How was your day with Kun?" Yoon Oh asked while poking the tip of my nose.

"I learned a lot of things about Kun, about his family, about how he gets jealous with Johnny" I replied to him, I wrapped my arms to his waist "Kun is lonely, so I offered to him to be his sister"

"Johnny will get jealous if he finds out" we both laughed "and if you think of him as a brother then I should stop worrying?" I frowned after what he said "I was worried that you might fall for Kun"

"Kun is fine, it's just I'm not for him" I said and smiled to him, the door suddenly opened, a woman came in, she was wearing short pencil skirt while her breast are about to pop out of her clothes.

The woman looked me, busy judging me to be exact. Yoon Oh guide me to his desk and let me sit to his office spinning chair, I just watch and listened to them discussing about work.

Every time she reply's to Yoon Oh she is nearly moaning what she is going to say, also flirting with his boss. What a rude worker, I said to myself.

"Babe, who is she?" My head went to them again, I waited for Yoon Oh to reply, Yoon Oh looked at me with a loving eyes.

"She is my girlfriend, please treat her well when she comes here, and stop flirting with me, it's not my type" Yoon Oh replied with a very nice tone to her, he just nod to Yoon Oh "is there anything I could bring you?" She asked Yoon Oh, he looked at me again, I frowned at him.

"Do you want anything babe?" Yoon Oh asked with a flirty look "Nope" I simply replied.

The woman left, walking like a model or should I say a bitch that wants to be a model but got rejected.

Yoon Oh came to me, he turn the chair to the right and he kneeled in front of me "I'm sorry about that" he took my hands and kissed both of my knuckles.

"Nah! I expected that coming, you are a handsome boss yourself, secretaries are going to droll to their boss like Johnny" I laughed.

"How did you know?" He asked me with a smile "Kun?" I just nod "Johnny won't like it once he finds out that you knew about it"

"Should I tease him?" I asked while laughing.

"Kun will probably get killed by Seo Young Ho" we just laughed.

"Don't you have to finish your work?" I look into his papers.

"I'll finish that a bit" he took it and aside and took a chair and placed it next to me, I was about to stand up when he stopped me "sit there"

"But-" he cut me off "-I'm fine" he smiled to me, he continued his work, and i was busy looking at him "you can use my computer if you are bored" i just nod and didn't do anything, just watching him doing his work, studying his face, every inch of him is perfect.

Perfect man with a nice look, smart man, handsome, cute and Jung Yoon Oh.

"Stop it" he suddenly said while reading the papers in front of him, his ear turned into bright red, his cute dimple popped out "I'm shy" he finally turned to me and look at me, both of his ears is bright red, both of his dimples are showing.

"I'm not even doing anything" I replied to him, he covered both cheeks, I just laughed at his cute reaction "go back to whatever you're doing" he look back to his papers still shy.

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