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Johnny's Point of View

Good thing my meetings in Busan ended right away, bad timing it's already Sunday and then tomorrow work again, what should my sister do while I'm not with her, should I ask someone to drive her around, your her?

I thought about it while driving back to Seoul and BAM!

She is close with Kun, why not?

I drove to Kun's house before I go home.

I knock at his door, I just waited.

He answered the door looking surprised.

"How's Busan?" He asked me and let me in.

"Busy as always, my secretary is busy flirting with me as always" he just laughed "Why are you here anyways? Your sister is at home alone and you're here"

"She is actually with her boyfriend" he raised his brows looking confused, I just laughed at his face "Jae Hyun!" Then he gave me a poker face.

"Come on, stop saying things like that, if your sister is here surely she will punch you" I just laughed and agree.

"I came here for something, I know you are busy in the office, and I'm offering you a vacation for a week and please bring my sister with you" I gave him a puppy face.

"Are you sure?" I just nod "you know I don't want to lose my job"

"Don't worry about it, I got everything covered plus it's a paid vacation for you, just enjoy and make my sister happy" He just smiled.

"Ok, since it's paid"

"I wanted to ask Jae Hyun, but he is also busy" I said to him "they already had time with each other's why not another person"

"I should get going" I said to Kun, he walked me out and exchange 'Goodbyes'.

I drove back at home, Jae Hyun's car is not here, I went inside and search for my sister. GREAT! No one is home.

Where are you? : Me

Jenna Seo : Yoon Oh's car

Where are you guys heading? : Me

I'm already at home : Me

Take care on your way home : Me

Jenna Seo : Going to the amusement park

Jenna Seo : Do you want to join?

No : Me

Enjoy! : Me

Jenna Seo : Why not?

Just do what I say, I know you guys are enjoying : Me

Jenna Seo : I'm sorry

Huh? : Me

Why are you saying sorry? : Me

Jenna Seo : because you are at home and I'm out here enjoying without you.... I'll bring you something.

Don't worry about me : Me

I want to rest too : Me

Just enjoy : Me

Ok? : Me

Jenna Seo : Ok.

Don't be sad : Me

I'm fine : Me

And happy for you : Me

After asking my sister where she is, I went to my bed room to take out everything I brought with me in Busan and I took my used clothes to the laundry and let it wash itself.

I went back to my room and flopped on the bed without changing.

Jenna's Point of View

After Yoon Oh took me out for a date, Yoon Oh drove me back to Johnny's house, Johnny's car was already parked.

"Did my girlfriend enjoy?" Yoon Oh asked me with a smile "I did" I poked his right dimple.

"Do you have plans tomorrow?" He asked me again "I don't know yet, Johnny is going to work tomorrow, so I haven't thought about it yet, plus I can't drive around here since I'm still new in here"

"Do you want me to accompany you?" I shook my head "you have work too"

"I will skip or call in sick"

"Do that and I'll leave you" I scare him for saying stupid stuff "how about after work?" He asked.

"Ok, but don't ever try call in sick" he just laughed "I should go, Johnny is probably waiting"

"Ok love, Goodnight, sweet dreams, dream of your handsome boyfriend" he said, I laughed at him, I gave him a peck on his cheek "I will" To tease him.

I was about to open the door when he suddenly grab me into his chest "I love you love and always remember I'm here waiting for you to say it back to me" he said he made me face him, his face came closer to me "you are mine now, but I still want to here you say you love me and I'm being greedy just for you" then he kiss my lips, his lips are so soft, just like him a soft guy with a soft heart, he let go of the kiss.

He got out of the car and run to my door and open the door for me "Thank you" I said to him "anything for you" he walked me to the door, when we got to the door, I faced him "call me or send me a text when you get home, ok?"

"I will" he unlocked the door for me and let me in, I closed the door.

I went to the living room to find Johnny, then to the kitchen, I went to his room, hoping he is there.

When I opened the door, I saw him sleeping in his bed, still in his office clothes, I feel bad for him.

"Johnny" I moved him a bit to wake him up "Johnny" I softly pat his back, then he woke up and sit up immediately.

"Hey, did you just got here?" I just replied a nod "where is Jae Hyun?"

"I let him go home so he could rest since he has work" I answered "did you already eat dinner?"

"I fell asleep after putting my clothes on the laundry, how about you?"

"Yoon Oh took me to dinner" he smiled at me and I also smiled back to my brother "I'll cook you dinner" I offered to Johnny and he gladly said 'yes'

"You should go take a nice shower and wear something comfortable, ok?" He just nod at me.

We both part ways, he went to his bathroom and I went to my room to put my bag, then I went to the kitchen.

I thought about cooking spaghetti for my poor busy brother that is extremely tired.

While I was cooking Yoon Oh called me to inform me that he got home safely, he was also preparing for bed. We didn't talk much since I wanted him to rest since he have work tomorrow and he is probably tired, he also let me off since I'm also cooking Johnny's dinner, I had a good excuse to get him off the phone.

After we talked I continued cooking for Johnny and Johnny came down, fresh from the shower, wearing his pajamas.

HELLO!! I'm back!! Been busy for awhile.

Belated Happy Birthday to Full Sun (I already greeted a lot of times😂)

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