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Jenna's Point of View

After that dinner, we went back to our suit. Mom and dad went to their room while Kun and Johnny went to mine and Johnny's room talking about something I don't care and leaving me and Yoon Oh alone in one Yoon Oh's room.

"You seemed bored while ago" Yoon Oh spoke and I just nod to him "how about we watch some movie? Huh?"

"Ok" I gave him a thumbs up and he pulled me to his bed.

I stood up again and went to mine and Johnny's room to change into something comfortable. When I went in, Kun and Johnny are watching some Korean drama, laying in their stomachs.

"Me and Kun will share this room tonight" Johnny said "enjoy your night with Jae Hyun" he added his disgusting wink.

"Prev" I said it to myself "I just came here to change into comfortable clothes"

"I'm expecting to be an uncle soon" Johnny joked, I jumped into his back and playfully pulled his hair with a bit of force.

"Stop! stop!" Johnny tried to pull my hands off his hair "Kun! Help me! This bitch is crazy"

"Eh? You started it" Kun calmly said and I laughed "you should end it alone" the door opened and we all look towards the door.

"What happened?" Mom came in with Yoon Oh.

Johnny pointed at me while I pointed at Johnny "Johnny is being stupid again" I reported to mom "he even called me bitch" mom crossed his arms.

"Well, I'll leave you both alone and you!" Mom pointed at Johnny "finish what you started" mom left the room "good night kids!" Mom yelled from distance.

I got off of Johnny and went to the closet to change into some shorts and some T-shirt, I took off my bra too, like duhh? Who sleeps with their bras on?

"Good night Johnny Bravo! Good night Kun" I said while walking out of the room, also dragging Yoon Oh back to our room.

I jumped into the bed as soon as we arrived Yoon Oh's room, cartoons was on the TV and I glued my eyes on the TV. Yoon Oh laid down next to me and he pulled me close to him while his arms are strapped in my waist.

"What's up with you today?" I asked him "are you being needy again?"

"I just want my girlfriend, that's all" he turned me to face him "sometimes, I just want to runaway and be with you"

"You have me now" I tapped the tip of his nose using my pointer finger "tell me how much you love me" He leaned closer to my face, he took my hand to cup his cheek.

"More than you could ever imagine" he closed his eyes "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, build a family with you, have happy life, live together until our last day in earth" he attached his lips to mine, he perfectly placed his lips to mine "those lips only belongs to me" he started to kiss me harder and got on top of me "I belong to you and you belong to me"

He stopped kissing me and I opened my eyes to see him.

"I don't see your name on me" I playfully joked at him.

"Do you want me to leave a mark?" He fired back and raised his brow.

"Not now" I smiled and he nod.

"How about we go to sleep? I know you want to sleep" Yoon Oh suggested, I raised my brows "I thought you want to watch a movie?" I asked.

"I wanted to, but having you in my arms while you are asleep is more interesting than watching movies, and I also want to cuddle with you" I just laughed or what he said and agreed with him.

The next morning

Johnny's Point of View

I woke up early as usual for me. I forgot that I'm on vacation, I went to the living room to look if anyone was awake, but luckily no one is awake.

I turned on the TV to watch the morning news, but nothing to special.

My mom suddenly came and sat next to me with a big smile "why did you wake up so early?" Mom asked, I hugged her.

"I always wake up this early, how about you? And good morning" I smiled to my mom.

"I can't sleep, because of the time difference" Mom laughed "good morning to you too big baby" Mom brushed my hair.

"I'm glad you are my son" I look up to my mom "I'm thankful to have a caring, handsome and lovable son like you, and I'm glad Kun added up to our family"

"I missed you so much mom" I tightened my hug "moving here in Korea was a big risk, but I'm glad I moved here, I get to meet my brother"

"Even it hurts to think about Kun, but it's not Kun's fault, I should not blame him" Mom said "even Kun didn't came from me, I would still accept him as a son, I'm willing to open my arms for him when he needed a mother" I smiled to the most caring woman.

"Thank you for understanding the situation mom, but that's all in the past, it already happened" mom just nod of my reply.

"When me and your dad goes back to Chicago, please take care of your sister and Kun, don't leave them alone, we want you three to be healthy, safe and happy" I just nod "Thank you Johnny"

"Welcome mom, it's my duty to protect my younger siblings" Mom smiled at me, suddenly Kun entered the room while rubbing his eyes, he immediately stopped on his tracks when he saw us.

"Sorry for interrupting" Kun was about to walk back.

"Why don't you join us?" Mom asked.

"Johnny might kill me" Kun joked and mom laughed "just come here and enjoy" I called Kun and he gladly take a sit next to mom, mom hugged Kun.

"Good morning sunshine" mom said to Kun.

"Good morning Mrs. Seo" Kun greater back.

"Just call me mom, it's weird" mom said to Kun with a joke and laughed.

"Ok, if you say so" Kun just agreed.

Mom started talking some random stories about him and dad while me and Kun just listen to her, dad suddenly came out from their room.

"Good morning!" Dad boomed the room "where is my daughter?" Me and Kun just shrug.

"Why don't we check?" Dad suggested and we all agreed.

We walked to Jae Hyun's room, before we opened the door, dad raised his finger "they didn't make noise last night right?"

"I bet they are both naked" mom laughed of what I said, Kun opened the room, we walked towards the bed.

They are both facing each other's, Jae Hyun's arms are securely lock in her waist, Jae Hyun's face is in Jenna's neck, while Jenna is snuggling in Jae Hyun's chest.

Jae Hyun suddenly move, and pulled Jenna closer. Kun sign to leave them alone and let them sleep for awhile.

We all left the room, we discussed about breakfast, dad suggested we should just eat out and we should wake up those two love birds.

Kun offered to wake them up, while we go prepare.

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