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Jenna's Point of View

The 3 of us went to the mall, Lucas wanted to buy new things and Kun also wanted to by things for me or more like he wanted to dress me up like a Korean, he wanted me to learn how to look like a teenage Korean.

We went to the best shopping mall here in Seoul, Kun and Lucas are busy looking for clothes for me.

They both know how to take care of girls, specially like this, takes a girl to shopping and they pick for the girls, the question is, will they have a good fashion for girls? We'll know later.

Kun and Lucas came back with a lot of dress, tops and bottoms.

"Try this all" Lucas demanded like a boss.

I tried everything they gave me, and I never heard them disagree with the clothes. I went back to them after I change back into my clothes.

"We'll take it all!" Lucas said to the sales lady, the sales lady took everything to the cashier "wait! All?" I asked them both, I held their wrist, they both nod "but that cost a lot, I can't just pay that all"

"Who said you are paying?" Lucas asked me sarcastically, I raised my brow "Jae Hyun asked us to do this and he is paying for it" he showed me a black credit card, I guess it's Yoon Oh "but we can't just spend that much" I held them back when they try to walk to the cashier.

"No can do Princess, it's the boss' order" Lucas said and he walked to the cashier, I just tailed behind them.

I took time having everything settled, then they gave us the paper bags, Kun and Lucas took it before I could even get 1 bag "Come on" I whined like a little kid "let me help" I tried to steal a bag from Lucas.

"Nope! You are the boss' girl so let us do the work" I gave them both a poker face.

While we walk around the mall, every time we pass by a girls they stares at us, they gossip.

I really feels weird, specially when you are given a special treatment or treats you like a princess, I never wanted to be treated like that, nor Johnny. Johnny knows that I really hate these kind of treatment, Johnny just treats me like a normal teenage girl, trying to have a normal life, not a spoiled brat rich dumb ass kid.

My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket for an incoming call, perfect timing Mister.

"Hello" I answered the call sweetly.

"How are you doing with Kun and Lucas?" Dear boyfriend asked me "is Lucas treating you well?" Lucas looked at me.

"Well" I trailed off "he did follow your orders" Lucas just laughed, we went to a cafe in the mall, we went to find a seat and they left me to order right after they put the bags in the booth that I'm staying.

"They are treating me like a rich child" I said to Yoon Oh who just laughed.

"I never told Lucas to do that" Yoon Oh replied to me. That evil shit!

"I just asked them to take you to the mall and buy you nice things, Korean fashion since I wanted to see you dressed like a cute teenage Korean girlfriend" I can basically hear him giggling like an idiot, I can imagine him giggling like that inside his office.

"Yeah, they brought a lot of things I think it was worth hundred dollars, how am I suppose to pay that?" I said with a pissed tone.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine" Yoon Oh replied calmly "plus you'll need them, Johnny is planning a trip for Busan and Jeju"

"What's in Busan and Jeju?" I asked curiously.

"In Busan? Just a trip with Johnny, Mark, Hae Chan, Me and you, Johnny wants you to try the Korean beach here in Korea, In Jeju? It's a company party of Johnny also celebration for you" he explained to me what we are going to those places "We are also having a day off of work and to spend a healing time, we will stay away from stress for awhile" I can tell he is smiling, I just smiled while listening to him "I don't know if we can meet tonight because I have meetings, I might end up sleeping in my office"

"I'll come by if you will reach 10 O'clock to keep you company" I said to him, I don't want to worry about him, staying in the office alone or drive late going home.

"No! Don't come! I don't want you to ride a taxi late night" I can tell he his worried, by how fast he react.

"Who said I'm riding a taxi?" I asked, I had a smirk in my face, Kun and Lucas suddenly came, Lucas look at me weirdly "what?" I asked Lucas.

"Nothing, you looked evil when you did that smirk" Lucas replied and took a sit next to me "tell Jae Hyun my regards" Lucas said to me loudly, this guy is a human speaker.

"Are you going to ask Johnny to drive you?" Yoon Oh asked.

"Nope" I ended the call right away and laughed.

"Was he checking on you, wondering if you are still alive?" Lucas asked mixed up with his unending joke.

"Yup, and he told me he only asked you to buy good stuff to me and korean styles" Kun gave me a cold Orange with red velvet cupcake, I thanked Kun after he give my food.

We started to eat, we had a little chat about life, Lucas is busy telling stuff about the university that he is currently in, busy sharing stuff about girls who is addicted to Johnny and Yoon Oh, I didn't know that these 2 are famous, specially girls. Well they are both handsome, looks is a hundred percent to steal girls hearts and plus points when they are both rich, they own a company, all girls would die to marry a rich man.

Lots of girls wants Johnny, but Johnny is still in the stage, still thinking like a child. I never heard of him being with a girl, his friends has big mouth except for Kun, but non of the others said anything about him dating or being with a girl or flirting a girl, a side from me since I'm his sister.

Seo Young Ho really needs to man up and find his own girl and build a family, our parents are getting older and they probably already want a grandchild to visit and take care. Johnny already has money to finance for his future family.

Should I just sell him in the black market?

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