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Jenna's Point of View

After our lunch, Johnny went back to his office, while Kun brought the 3 students to school. They basically left me with Yoon Oh, how amazing they are.

"Aren't you going back to work?" I asked Yoon Oh, he just smiled at me.

"Nope" he simply replied to me, he took me to his car he didn't close the door he just kneeled one knee in front of the car door "let's just spend the day together, I don't feel like going to work after what happened"

"But I don't want to be in your way" I replied to him.

"Don't worry, you are not, you are my motivation" he gave me a pleasing smile, he stood up and closed the door then quickly went to his side "where do you want to go?" Yoon Oh started the car and drove to the parking lot exit.

"Cinema?" I randomly replied since I don't know what I want to do.

"What about we go to my house?" Yoon Oh suggested "we chill down, watch movies, eat, maybe also cuddle?" He asked me cutely while driving.

"Ok, that's relaxing" I leaned back to rest myself, I felt tired for today's agenda. HAHAHA answering nonsense questions is tiring.

Yoon Oh's home

The drive was quite far, I basically fell asleep while Yoon Oh played some soothing music to help me have a peaceful sleep.

We went into his house, I let him change while I prepared some snacks, like chips, chocolates, and drinks, I brought it up to his room since he wanted to watch movies in his room. I waited for him laying in his bed, looking really bored with my life.

He suddenly came out from his closet wearing a plain white shirt with black sweatpants "wanna pick some movies?" He came towards me "you pick" I replied with a smile.

"I wanted to watch horror, but maybe later" I just laughed if what he said, I'll only end up sleeping "romance?" He went to pick a movie.

"Ok, since I'm dating a Valentine boy, why not?" He turned to me and smiled like a innocent boy with little bit evilness.

He put a CD on the player and he came back to the bed and laid next to me, he grabbed me to lay my head into his chest, he also took a chips to eat.

"What are we watching?" I asked and he feed me.

"50 shades of Grey" I just nod to his reply.

"Isn't that the scandalous movie?"

"Of what I heard, I haven't watch it yet" he laughed of his reply "why you asked?"

"Nothing, it was a trend when it came out"

As the movie continues, Yoon Oh ends up feeding me while paying attention to the movie, paying attention to the sexy scenes maybe. HAHAHA who knows? Guys loves that part.

The movie ended, I never paid attention to the movie because it's not my type.

"Are you going to be like Christian Grey? Maybe a Korean version?" I asked with a laugh escaping my mouth.

"Maybe, but not a brutal one" he replied to me with a wink "should I continue watching the next one?" I just nod, he got up to change it and came back as soon as he finished.

"Do you like watching this?" I sling my arm to his waist and look up to him "honestly yeah, because I'm with you" he kissed my forehead after replying to me.

"You looked bored, do you want me to change it?"

"No, I just want to chill, look at you enjoying" I smiled to this worried human "don't mind me" I buried my face to his chest "you smell so good" I said with a slight moan, not the sexual way, I heard him chuck.

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now