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Jenna's Point of View

Lucas and Kun brought me home really late, it is currently 9:30PM. Yoon Oh is still in his office, he just called me and informed me that he is still there.

I put my bags in my room and search for Johnny Seo to borrow 1 of his car, I called him everywhere and he is nowhere to be found

"Johnny" I called Johnny, good thing he answered his phone right away "are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you home?" He asked me worriedly.

"Yup, I'm home" I replied to my worried brother.

"Do you need anything else?" He started to sound calmly, I can hear keyboard typing, he is probably busy in his office.

"Can I borrow a car?" I asked him cutely to make him say 'yes', but I know he will easily just say 'yes' when it's me.

"The key is in my closet, just pick which car you want to destroy" I can tell this busted human being wants to sound cool.

"Thank you Johnny! Please call me when you get home" after we talked for a little while, I change into a comfortable clothes, into a plain black t-shirt, and some sweat pants.

I took my phone and wallet with my money, license and other important things like cards, I stopped by at Johnny's room to pick up the car key, I saw 5 different car keys, an Audi, Mercedes, BWM and Land Rover? Wahh! I didn't know that my brother owns a lot of cars, no wonder why he asked me to get an international drivers license.

After picking a car key I went to the garage, I pressed the key to unlock the car, the shiny black Audi R8 light up, i went inside the car and turned the engine on and to make the engine hot, I also set my navigation to Yoon Oh's office address, it is 30 minutes away from here. I drove out of the garage, before I could drive out the house I thought about stopping by at Tae Yong's cafe to buy Yoon Oh a coffee.

I stopped by at Tae Yong's, Tae Yong was about to close when he saw me.

"Can I buy at least 1 cup of coffee?" I said to Tae Yong who just smiled to me, he let me into his cafe "are you alone?" I asked him.

"Yup, I let my works go home first then I close the cafe alone" Tae Yong said "what would you like?" He asked, he stood behind the cashier.

"Can I get a cup of coffee? Yoon Oh's favorite" I answered Tae Yong, he just nod.

He prepared the coffee for me, I texted Yoon Oh that I'm on my way to his office, and he just replied that he is excited to see me.

"What about you? Would you like anything?" Tae Yong asked me while doing the coffee "nah! Yoon Oh's coffee is important, he is drowning in his office and I'm still full" I replied to him, I just look at him, working on the coffee, he was back facing me.

"Here's the coffee that you asked" he gave me the cup of coffee I asked and he also gave me a plastic "I heard you love red velvet and I just learned this new recipe and I want you to taste it first" Tae Yong smiled at me, his smile could kill an innocent girl.

"How much is this?" I was about to open my wallet when he stopped me "I'm giving it to you for free and it's also late, just enjoy with Jae Hyun" he said and pat my shoulder.

We walked out of the cafe, he closed the cafe and I waited for him since he offered to walk me to the car, before I drive away he knocked on the window "drive safe" he said with smile, I smiled back to him and thanked him.

I resumed driving to Yoon Oh's office.

It's really odd, every time I talk or look into Tae Yong he always smiled, does he treat everyone like that? I just let it slip off my mind since I don't want to worry to much about it.

After minutes of driving to Yoon Oh's office, I parked Johnny's car next to Yoon Oh's black BMW since next to it was empty.

I got out of the car with the plastic, Yoon Oh's coffee, my phone on my sweatpants pocket and the car key with my wallet on my other hand, I slipped the car key to my pocket, and went straight to the elevator, I pressed the number where Yoon Oh's office is.

The elevator ride was fast, the office is cubicle are all empty, I went to Yoon Oh's office, I knocked before I entered. When I entered the room, Yoon Oh's head was already laying on his desk, his computer is still on, I put down the coffee and plastic on the table and I went to him. I stood next to him, I brush my fingers to his soft brown hair, his hair is getting to his eyes, I took the strand of hair away from his eyes, I just stared at him for awhile, adoring his handsome face, he seems so stressful, even in his sleep.

I texted Johnny to inform him that I arrived at Yoon Oh's office and I might not be able to go home since it's really late and I have to bring this guy home, Johnny just agrees right away.

I went back to Yoon Oh, I pat his shoulder and called his name to wake him up.

"When did you get here?" He asked, while rubbing his eye.

"Little while ago" I said while brushing his hair away from his face "I brought you coffee since I thought you are still working, but you are sleeping I guess I should just thro-" before I could finished my sentence he just kissed me.

"I'll take it since you went to get it for me" he said while smiling, I took his coffee and placed it in front of him, along with the plastic "what's this?" He pointed to the plastic.

"I brought the coffee at Tae Yong's and I meet him this morning" I explained "it's his new recipe and he wanted me to taste it first since he knew I love red velvet" I smiled to him, I took the plastic fork, I opened the box and took some to feed him.

I also fed myself, the cake taste really good.

"It's really weird" I look at Yoon Oh and waited for him to speak again "Johnny really loves coffee while you hate coffee" I just laugh of what he said.

After we finished the cake and Yoon Oh with his coffee, I helped him clean up and prepare to go home, it's currently 12AM. We left his office and went to the elevator to go down to the basement where I parked Johnny's car.

When we arrive at the car park, Yoon Oh was about to unlock his car when I stole his car key "what are you doing?" He asked and held his hands up.

"I'm driving Mister since you are tired" I said, I unlocked Johnny's car and put his blazer that I offered to carry into the backseat "but it's late" he said.

"No more word and I'll drag you in" I said to him, I went inside to start the engine, he went in right away "don't worry, we won't crash" I pat his head "just rest, give me your address and I'll drive you home" he typed his address to my phone to navigate.

I started to drive, Yoon Oh is still wide awake.

Hello guys!! Sorry for the late update.
I was really busy with school and I barely have time for myself, Senior year is really tougher than I thought

I really hope you like my story

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