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Hey!! Sorry for the short notice and short update, I already have some archives of this stories and I haven't checked if there is any mistakes or something wrong, I barely open other apps because I'm always on Messenger(to check school stuffs), Email to check for my college application. I'm tied with school and my college application for Canada, and I just started it, I really hope it would be a success for my future.

I will also explain why I barely update this story is because when I was still active and keeps on promoting this story, I only get a few votes, and I don't see any comments which made me sad because there is no fun, I really love reading people's opinion and comments about it. Its some how my happiness, and I lose interest because it started to get bored because there is no any reactions... I hope people will understand..

Jenna's Point of View

We arrived at a Korean restaurant near Namsan tower, it look so Korean, with traditional Korean food in a Korean traditional restaurant theme, the structure looks old but new at the same time.

"So Johnny, these 3 are absent from college, what are you going to do with these?" I said sarcastically.

"I already excused them and Lucas also felt lazy to study" he replied to me with a stupid excuse, these 3 college students nod like a poor puppy "Whatever, it's not me who is going to fail anyways" I joked.

"If we fail" Mark starts "we are going to be classmates" he said and they cheered.

"Who said I'm studying here?" I asked them with a challenge, they just pointed to Johnny and Johnny pretended to look surprise, Kun joined them pointing at Johnny.

"I'll stay here" they all cheered including Yoon Oh "One condition" they all had a poker face "We'll let deal  Jae Hyun with your condition" Lucas said with a annoyed tone, I just laugh.

"One of you will do the process to transfer me here, do my papers, and other" I simply said.

"Johnny can transfer you to their university" Yoon Oh said "By flirting with the university's dean" Kun laughed of what Yoon Oh said.

"Good Idea" I joined them make fun of Johnny, the food suddenly came, Johnny's phone also rang, he excused his self to answer my mom's call.

I let them eat first and I went to Johnny, he kinda look worried talking to our mom, he ended the call.

"What did she say?" I asked since it he looked dead worried.

"Let's talk about this later with Jae Hyun" Johnny replied, he held my hand.

"Is it bad or good?" I asked and Johnny just give me a soft smile.

My One and Only | Jung Jaehyun #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now