[ prologue - waking up ]

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This is it, huh? It's... different then I imagined.

A young woman was standing in front of a large gate. She had sharp emerald green eyes that contrasted against her pale, porcelain-like skin. Her hair was deep mahogany. Her bangs covered her forehead, but not her eyes. On the right side of her head, a very small ponytail was set up with a thick orange band. On the same side, a long braid fell down her shoulder. The braids were set up like small circles, each held together with the same orange bands. She wore a semi-thick gray fur outfit. A fur hood lay behind her head, though it wasn't attached to the outfit, instead attacked by a black ribbon tying the two ends together. A belt was attached to the outfit, connecting to a pouch full of arrows on her back. Her sleeves cut off at the shoulder with a gold rim. Her forearm was covered in a gray band with a golden ribbon keeping it together. She had a belt around her waist with an odd symbol in the center connecting her skirt and top. Her skirt was gray with a beige fur rim. From her knees down, she wore simple gray stockings.

Akira Sashiki stood in front of the gate to Hope's Peak, somewhere between confused and upset. When she got the letter from Hope's Peak saying she had been accepted into the ' school ' as the Ultimate Archer, she nearly cried tears of sheer joy.

However, this ' school ' doesn't look like a school at all.

Instead, it has a large, yellow and black gate with the words ' Hope's Peak Fun Fair! ' written on it. She knew it was a big school, but she never imagined it would be big enough for a fun fair to be somewhere there. Of course, after circling the area, she found no signs of any buildings attached to it, so she just assumed that if she entered through here she'd manage to find the school area somehow.

On the side of the gate, there was a small notice with a bolded, ' For New Students... ' on it.

' Please insert your acceptance letter into the slot below. It will give you a free ticket. Scan your ticket on the pad opposite to this notice and the gates will unlock. '

Akira pulled the letter out of her armband. It was crumpled up from being crammed in the space, but it wasn't beyond repair. She slipped it with ease into the slot. She waited a few seconds for it to process.

' Congratulations, Akira Sashiki, the Ultimate Archer, for getting into Hope's Peak! ' an automated voice said after a minute. ' Please take your ticket and enter through the Golden Gate. From there, a guide will see you to your classroom. ' It opened the slot again, only this time, a small, golden ticket came out. Akira nodded at the voice despite knowing it wouldn't respond and took the ticket.

On the opposite end of the gate, there was a small black scanner with the words ' TICKET SCANNER ' written on top. Akira took two steps forward so she could reach it and pressed the ticket to the scanner. With a whizzing noise and a cute little ' beep ' at the end, the gate unlocked with a click, allowing Akira to open it and walk inside the fair.

Once she exited the entrance area and entered the actual fair itself, she started to feel a bit dizzy. She leaned on one of the empty food vendors, putting a hand up to her head. Her legs shook as she tried to hold them up, numbness and fatigue filling her brain. Her vision grew blurry as she looked around, desperate to find someone to help her.

With a gasp for air, she slowly slid down the side of the vendor as her eyes closed.



"w... p..."

"Wa... up..."

"Wake up!"

Akira nearly fell off the bench she was sitting on. The person sitting next to her grabbed her hand and yanked it to stop her from falling, though it did hurt a little. When her head stopped spinning, she looked to the side to thank the person who dragged her over here to help her get up.

The person - a young man - was sitting there smiling like he knew she was about to thank him. He had messy hair, a single bang falling in the middle. His hair was a mixture of black and lime green. In fact, that seemed to be the center of his looks. He had rosy skin and oddly orange eyes, as well as a constant blush under his cheeks. He had a striped shirt - black and lime green, again. However, a black vest covered everything but the collar and the sleeves weren't striped, they were simply just green. He had a puffy green fabric tied around his waist with a black bowtie keeping it together. His shirt and pants must be a one piece because the pants looked exactly like the collar do.

"Weeell?" He asked in a very childish voice. "Are you not going to express your gratitude? Tis was quite a hassle to heave your chassis to the bench, you know."

Regaining her composure (and mentally wondering why this guy acted like a five-year-old, yet spoke like he memorized an entire thesaurus), she nodded and spoke coolly. "Yes. Thank you for helping me."

"Tis was only a trivial contention! After all, I am indispensably tenacious. Thy cognomen is Tokihiko Rokude! As an ally and schoolmate, tis only my duty to bolster you."



Akira had no idea what ' bolster ' meant, but if he was her classmate, then it would only be nice to humor his oddness. "It is nice to meet you. I am Akira Sashiki, the Ultimate Archer."



"Ah, an archer!" Tokihiko laughed. He nodded his head, seemingly impressed. "Thy ability must rival that of Artemis herself. That shall make this much more enjoyable for myself, as I am already well enlightened on why all sixteen of us are hitherto."

Akira's questions started piling in. If this man was also in Hope's Peak, he had a talent as well (ultimate white knight, maybe). Then again, that didn't matter compared to the fact he said there were sixteen students. "Sixteen? There are sixteen of us here?"

"Spot on cognizance, my familiar. Yes indeed, there are. Thy has already contrived a perception on thy others. If you'd hanker for it, I can accompany thy lady."

Akira, not wanting to deal with this guy's weird personality, shook her head and tried to decline as politely as possible. "No thanks. I appreciate the offer, though."

He nodded and wordlessly hopped off the bench, beginning to walk away with a hum (wow, he's really short...), but then Akira remembered the more important question she had. "Wait!"

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around with a ' hm? '.

"What is your talent, Tokihiko?"

"Ah, ah, ah," he said. His eyes grew darker as his voice dropped a few octaves. "That information is reserved," as he spoke, he slowly walked forward. His entire face looked darkened. Despite Akira being a few inches taller, he seemed to loom over her, growing more serious and more intimidating than before with each step.

"After all... you don't want to die, right? Then I won't tell you."

Her eyes narrowed. "Was that a threat?"

Still creepily serious, he shrugged and backed up. "Tis up to you to decide."

Tokihiko waved at her with a smug grin and skipped away before she could question him.


Akira narrowed her eyes and made a mental note:

He's not trustworthy.

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