[ prologue - fast talk ]

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The next person Akira saw was much more high school looking.

He wore a black hat with two purple feathers on top, covering some of his head. Akira could still see his light skin. He had raven black hair tucked nicely into an almost circle-like style. He had lightning blue eyes that basically bore into the back of her skull. He had a shirt with a white collar. It had light blue sleeves that cut off at the wrist, instead going into a fluffy white cotton material. He had a pink, upside-down triangle on his shirt that was covered by a blue tie. He had magenta suspenders and blue and magenta stripes pants.

Akira smiled and went over to say hello. "Hello there! I'm Ak-"

The man spun around and nearly fell over. "Why, hello there, missy! Ever wonderful to see you, yes indeed it is! The name's Isamu Mariyasu, I repeat - Isamu Mariyasu! Ultimate Tap Dancer at your service!"



 He spoke so fast, Akira could hardly hear what he said. "Yeah. Isamu was it? I'm Akira Sashiki, the Ultimate Archer. You talk really fast so I couldn't get your full name."

Isamu dipped his hat and bowed. "Yes, yes, sorry for that! Isamu Mariyasu."

"Got it. You seem to be talking more normally now. Maybe you could try to speak a bit slower from now on?" Akira asked, trying to remain polite. "Not to be rude."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I get that a lot. I sure will, missy. You said you were an archer right?" Isamu asked, slow enough for Akira to hear but still pretty fast. Akira nodded and allowed Isamu to keep talking. "My, that's splendid! Are you fast on your feet? I'm sure you are. We could tap together! I've been looking for a partner for the whole two hours I've been here!"

Akira laughed nervously and waved her arms. "Ah- no. I don't think I'm suited for that job. Tap dancing doesn't seem like a job I can do in these shoes."

"Hm, that makes sense. Those shoes simply won't do after all," Isamu nodded with a frown, "well thanks for being polite anyway, missy." Even as he talked, he was tapping one of his feet on the ground, making the silence filled with a soft pitter patter.

"So, Isamu, can you show me a dance you do?" Akira asked. "I've never seen a tap dancer and since you're an ultimate it'd be great to see you dance."

Isamu's eyes lit up. He nodded feverishly and told her to stand back a couple of paces. When he started dancing, Akira could hardly focus on him - he was moving so quickly it was incredible. The pitter-pattering of his shoes had grown into a constant clapping sound as he moved, fluidly spinning and twirling and leaping. Every now and then, he would kick one foot up so it was up to his face, his other foot still working hard at spinning him around as he continued to gracefully dance around the area.

When he looked ready to stop, he grabbed Akira by the armband and pulled her in, dipping her and finally ending like that. He was panting a bit and a bead of sweat dripped down his forehead, but he seemed to be perfectly fine. Akira laughed and clapped as Isamu released her.

"Wow, Isamu, that was incredible! I can see why people call you the Ultimate Tap Dancer," she complimented. Isamu bowed and tipped his hat again.

"I'm humbled by your words, young lady!" Isamu grinned. "Thank you for coming to tonight's show."

"Tonight's show?" Akira asked with a laugh. "It's still fairly early."

"Usually my shows are at night," Isamu said with a shrug, "oh! That gives me a swell idea! Tonight, I'll host a good old show for my classmates! You can help me set it up later if you want! It'll be a jolly good time, I bet."

Akira smiled. "Yeah! I'd be glad to help. Sounds like fun. For now, though, I'd best get going if I want to introduce myself to the rest of the class."

Isamu nodded and tipped his hat a final time. "See you around, missy!"


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