[ chapter 3 - shoes and suitcases ]

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Question of The Day:

Who is your least favorite character? Why?

don't be scared of answering this one lmao- certain characters were supposed to be hated

whoops short chapter ;(

this trial is less complicated than i thought it'd be when i first made it hh

sorry bout that ;( hope the trial itself is spicy enough to make up for it


Akira nearly forgot how gruesome Eiko's murder scene was - she had been too busy talking about Mana to Rei to remember. The historian, while reluctant at first, eventually started to ask her own questions, which made Akira a bit happy.

"So this is it?" Rei asked as they approached. "It reeks of death already. Though, I can't say that Eiko didn't deserve it for all she's done."

"Well... she may have been a bit... y'know," Akira shrugged, "but I don't think anyone deserves this."

"Honestly, if we're going by the cliche ' bullied kills the bully ', I'd assume Mioko killed her, but it's never that easy, is it?" Rei asked, nonchalantly approaching the dead body like a curious child would approach roadkill. "We'll have to raise this to see if any evidence is underneath it."

"Ugh- I don't want to see what Eiko looks like under that..." Akira shivered, "but I'll just close my eyes so I don't vomit. I'll go open it now."

Rei nodded, and Akira walked over to the freefall ride's control panel-

What is this?

On the floor by the control panel was a closed suitcase. "...Huh?"

"What is it?" Rei asked. She wiped her hand on her jacket (and got some blood on it) and followed to the control panel.

"There's a suitcase here. It's pretty heavy too..." Akira grunted as she lifted it to a bench and heaved it open.

Inside the suitcase was an uncountable number of books and papers. With a curious glance, Akira picked up one of the papers.

' What To Do in a Hostage Situation 

1. Approach the building/location where the hostages are calmly. You don't want to seem like a threat.

2. Try to get the kidnapper to leave the security of their spot so you can talk to them.

3. Listen to them and try to distract them until backup forces arrive.

4. If that doesn't work, attempt to strike a deal - you want the hostages to leave safely. '

"Hostages? What does that have to do with anything?" Rei asked with a snort. "Looks like bullshit to me."

"Maybe it's a clue, though," Akira folded up the paper and put it in her pocket. "I'll keep it just in case."

[TRUTH BULLET - Suitcase Full of Papers]

[TRUTH BULLET - ' What To Do in a Hostage Situation ']

"Well, I'll lift up the ride so you can check now," Akira murmured, swallowing a lump in her throat as Rei went back over to the ride. She blinked her eyes closed and pressed the ' START ' button, causing the ride to slowly lift up with the most disgusting squishing sound she'd ever heard.

"Oh?" Rei asked to herself. She pulled something out of the mess of blood underneath the ride and grinned. "Ah. Paper."

"Paper? It looks like a gross, pink mess," Akira responded.

"Yes - paper dissolves in liquid. I've dealt with stuff like this. It's paper, but the blood caused it to get ruined like this. A shame, sure, but at least we know Eiko was carrying something with her."

[TRUTH BULLET - Paper on Eiko]

"Also, looks like our culprit got inspiration from the last trial," Rei pointed to a ribbon laid across the floor, between two of the gates. "It's a tripwire."

"A tripwire? So... Eiko fell and then the culprit pressed the button to lower the ride?" Akira theorized with a skeptical glance towards the suitcase. "Or maybe it was another trap?"

Rei followed the ribbon up the gate, raising her eyebrow. "Well... look here. The ribbon goes up the gate. It's cut right there."

[TRUTH BULLET - Tripwire]

[TRUTH BULLET - Cut Ribbon]

Rei dusted off her suit, though that bloodstain from earlier was still there. "Now. I know Tokihiko's the killer already, so all we need to do now is go to his room."

"Ah- isn't it too early to assume-"

She stopped as soon as Rei gave her that look that screamed ' speak again and there'll be a third body discovery announcement '.

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