[ chapter 5 - the shortest investigation? ]

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Question of The Day:

Has your favorite died? If so, then you understand what it's like to be me playing a DR game.

short chappie :(

dw y'all, the trial will be longer


...Oh my God.

It's clicking.

I know what happened.

That... I can't believe it actually happened.

"So... judging from your face, you know who the killer is already. Don't do what you did last time and wait until the last second to call them out. Tell me what you think." It wasn't a question - it was a demand. A demand Akira wasn't sure she could fulfill. She still wasn't completely sure - there were people outside she'd need to question, but...

[ TRUTH BULLET - Audio Clip ]

"I'll tell you when we start the trial," Akira promised. "For now, I need to make sure my assumption is correct."

"Got it. Right now, I think we need to look around for this ' hidden camera ' the person on the audio clip mentioned." Rei walked up to a bookshelf with charcoal stains on it and pushed it to the side. "Because if we see how it got destroyed, we'd know which one was recording and which one wasn't. Obviously, one of those two is the killer."

"They were both acting suspicious before we found them..." Akira pointed out. "When Tokihiko left the group before Shinako died, he mentioned his ' plan ' was almost finished, which would end the Killing. Plus, he kinda vanished on us... But Raizo was acting differently too. Remember what he said to you before he left the Trial room?"

"Don't get yourself killed."

"Thanks. But... I can't guarantee I won't."

Rei, who stopped searching to listen, put her forehead in her palm. "I should've noticed it at the time... if I had followed him, neither of them would be dead."

"Nobody noticed. I never thought about it, but do you think they both knew they were going to die beforehand, like Shinako did? Tokihiko seemed to know about all of the things Shinako told us before she died... maybe he figured it out before she got exposed?" Akira suggested.

"If so... why did Raizo die?"

...I wish I could answer that, Rei. I really do.

[ TRUTH BULLET - Raizo / Tokihiko's Last Moments ]


Rei looked around every nook and cranny, but there was no camera to be found. She even compared audio from the recording to moving certain things, but to no avail - it just seemed to have vanished.

[ TRUTH BULLET - Missing Camera ]

Announcing they had no more business in this room, Rei led Akira outside to meet up with the others.

"Akira! Rei! You- You're okay!" Chiemi ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug, spinning the two around as soon as they got up. "We were so worried! Um... Raizo isn't actually... d-dead... is he?"

Rei averted her gaze. Akira sighed. "I'm afraid so. Tokihiko as well."

Chiemi bit her lip and looked down. "...It was so quick."

Kata, who was with Chiemi, pushed the scarf up closer to his nose. "This is it. We're all going to die. All hope is lost."

"I refuse to die until I figure out which cold-hearted, evil bastard would kill them." Rei said firmly, already walking up to the camera by the Ferris Wheel room. "I failed Kouta. I'm not failing Raizo."

"Rei..." Akira knew she wasn't listening. She just sat back and let Rei control the investigation - she wanted Rei to understand Akira trusted her, so why not let her lead?

"The camera isn't destroyed. There's just a fabric tied around it. A pink one. It blocked the view of it without breaking the rules." Rei commented, unwrapping the fabric and holding it out. "I swear I've seen this somewhere.



"I've given you guys enough liberty. Fucker doesn't deserve a proper trials, but anything for ratings." Hejjikuma announced. "Get your asses to the - oh, wait, you're all here."

The entire park was dead silent.

"Get to the trial room."


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