[ chapter 5 - relief short-lived ]

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Question of The Day:

Why do you think that chapter 5 had no FTE poll?

i'm trying to churn out as many chapters as i can before going to bed since idk if i can update tomorrow. hope that chapter 4 satisfied your angsty needs because chapter 5 is going to be intentionally short :D

like, really short. chapter 5/6 are short bc it's nearing the end-



"Oh my God." Obokata breathed out as the curtains closed. He was as pale as a ghost - he didn't even look upset, just shocked at how brutal her execution was.

Chiemi, who also looked shocked, walked up to the taller boy and put her hand on his shoulder. "Hey. Do you want to get some fresh air? Maybe go rest?"

"Don't touch me!" He shouted, jumping back at the soft touch, eyes blown wide and red with tears. He tightened the scarf around his neck and straightened himself. "I'm going to my room."

He left without another word.

Raizo frowned as he left. "I've... been kind of useless this time. The least I can do is help him out... I'll see you guys in the morning."

"Good luck. He doesn't seem in the mood to be talking." Rei smiled sympathetically. "Hey, don't get yourself killed."

Raizo smiled back, full of utter joy that someone like Rei was actually unironically talking to him - and being nice. "I'll try not to...!" He paused for a split second, then grew a tiny bit serious. "I can't guarantee I won't."

"Usually murders don't happen a night after each other, but just in case it does, I'll do what I never got to do for Kouta and ask for a goodbye hug. Just in case." Rei shrugged and gave him the most awkward one-armed hug Akira had ever seen. "See you tomorrow."

He giggled slightly. "See you, Rei."

"Didn't know you two were so close." Chiemi murmured once Raizo left the trial room. "Glad you both... bonded over... death? Or something- God, I can usually think of funny things to say, but I'm kinda blank right now. Sorry. I... Think I'm gonna rest up too. We've got a big day tomorrow. Oh! And Akira!"

Akira instinctively felt nervous - especially considering how Chiemi acted earlier when they found Shinako's body. "Um- yeah?"

"Sorry. I shouldn't have accused you like that. I hope you're okay for more lessons soon. It helps me feel better." Chiemi suggested hopefully. Now, Akira could look at the eye not bandaged up. It was a pretty pastel yellow color - warm, just like her.

"Of course! By the way, your eye is pretty." Akira chirped, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thanks!" Chiemi smiled. "Actually, I'm grateful Naoki hit this eye. I wore glasses because I was blind in that eye. If he hit this one, I wouldn't even be able to see that execution. How lucky! Since I can't see there anyway now, might as well say it."

"Knew it." Naoki scoffed.

"Yep. Anyways, cya guys in the morning."

She left with a slight skip in her step. The trial room fell into silence before Rei looked around and asked:

"Where's Tokihiko?"


The next morning, the dining hall was full. The only person missing was Tokihiko, but he hadn't acted up last time, plus he seemed less crazy now, so Akira didn't feel the need to be too concerned. She'd just look for him later.

What really surprised her was how friendly Chiemi and Obokata were being.

"That scarf looks good on you." Chiemi pointed out, putting her chin in her hands. "Wink wink."

"I take it back. I hate you." Obokata groaned, though he seemed a lot better than yesterday night - smiling and fiddling with the scarf like it was a priceless treasure. "Not really, you know."

"I get that a lot! I've learned it's usually a joke." Chiemi giggled.

Rei waved to Akira, the slightest outline of a piece of paper sticking out. Akira, knowing it was probably a diary entry, ran over to sit next to her. "Morning, Rei. You've got a diary entry?"

"Sure do. This one is odd." She pointed to it. "Look. There are stains all over it and it looks incomplete."

Akira leaned over and scanned through the words.

' Diary

I'm pissed beyond belief. Who does he think he is!? This is my killing game. My rules. He can't just walk around doing whatever he wants, breaking the rules, going against the plans.

Ugh. I need to improvise here. He probably already knows about this shit. Who's disposable?

I guess that one will have to do.

- Yuuna '

"Disposable? What?" Akira scoffed at the entry. "Who is ' he '?"

"Someone who's breaking the rules. Sneaking in the control panel, perhaps..." Rei suggested, pointing to Obokata from underneath the table. "Sounds like we should get someone to keep an eye on him. Chiemi can do it."

"Mhm. They seem closer than before. About the whole ' weird relationship ' thing, why are you being so nice to Raizo lately? I thought you hated him," Akira asked, a light teasing in her voice. "Or did you finally lighten up to people?"

Rather than get angry or tell her to shut up, Rei just smiled and leaned back in the chair. "I guess I have warmed up to him. I thought he was a useless idiot, but he's actually a lot nicer than I thought. Less annoyingly stuttery now."

Akira chuckled lightly. "This can really change someone, I guess. I'm proud of you, actually, Rei."

Rei looked down and smiled, face rosy pink. "...Thank you. I appreciate th- um- wait, no, I appreciate you."

Akira only laughed harder, for once forgetting about the awful situation they were in.


The morning continued as normal. Most people seemed fairly happy.

"Hey, dipshits," Naoki called.

"Way to ruin the mood, you fancy durian," Chiemi scoffed. "Also, can you call me something else, other than dipshit?"

"Like what?"

Chiemi smirked a lot at his response, then burst out singing: "How about Sunrise Land?"

Naoki took a second to realize and then groaned. "Oh, you fucking- I swear to God." He sighed as Chiemi cackled at her own joke, slamming her fist against the table.

She wiped a tear from her eye. "Continue, continue."

"You made the entire mood too light-hearted! Even I'm concerned and I hate all of you." Naoki hissed.

"What?" Chiemi suddenly grew a bit serious. "Why would you be concerned?"

"Because Raizo is missing, you fucking moron."


uh-oh cliffhanger time :D

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