[ chapter 4 - tensions rising ]

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sorry for the lack of uploads recently :( writer's block is a bitch

ALSO, i still need 3 more people for FTEs so make sure to get on that! you can ask for more than one person if you'd like

Question of The Day:

If I decide to make official art of the beta designs for my next Fangan, would you guys want me to post it on my art book or my ' Bonus Content ' book as a teaser?

im crying i have like 10 designs already and they're all so much better than these


The next day, everyone except Tokihiko was in the dining hall. It worried Akira a tiny bit, but she was well-aware she'd get yelled at for sympathizing with him.

"What do we do about Mr. Negotiator over there?" Shinako asked sarcastically. "I mean, isn't it dangerous to leave him alone? He did kill someone."

"I say we kill him. An eye for an eye as they say. Plus, dude's an asshole anyway," Naoki shrugged. "But the question is who's willing to get executed doing that."

"How about you? You're an asshole too, you know," Rei scoffed. "As much as I want him to die, killing him won't fix anything. If there really is an audience watching us, this drama is just what they want. I say leave him alone and let him rot."

"Maybe lock him in his room so he starves to death or something?" Obokata suggested. "Then none of us will be the killer."

"Guys, we're not going to kill him!" Mutsumi shouted. "Yeah, he's a real pain, but he's still kinda-not-really our friend! Instead, why don't we talk to him? Get into his motivations? Dude may just be really upset about how Eiko treated Mioko."

"Mhm. I agree!" Chiemi chirped. "Remember how ironic yet sad Kouta's death was? He asked for the killings to stop, so to help him out, Tokihiko gets Mioko to kill him. Maybe he just did it as a prank!"

"You're dumber than I thought if you think that was a prank," Naoki hissed. "You're all useless. We're never gonna get out of here if you keep on whining like this."

"You're the biggest whiner here. How about you shut your privileged, insensitive mouth up before I make you, you mutated piece of popcorn?" Rei spat with the best death glare she could muster. "When have you ever helped us in a trial? Never. Ikue was more useful than you, and she never even lived to see a trial."

This is getting out of hand... I need to stop them before this gets physical.

"Guys- guys- guys!" Akira shouted over the two as they continued to argue.

They aren't listening. I've gotta get their attention before someone gets socked in the face.

With an annoyed sigh, she opened up the bag on her back and pulled out her bow. She didn't want to waste its durability, but it would just be a single warning shot.

"Stop fighting and listen!"


The room fell silent

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The room fell silent.

Naoki looked up, eyes narrowed. "You could've killed someone with that."

"I'd rather take that risk than have you two kill each other first," Akira responded, casually slipping the bow back into her pouch. "You two need to calm down. This fighting is just what the audience wants - God, you're both acting like children! Just shut up and try to get along for once so we can work on getting out of here!"

"Wait, we're making a plan? But Tokihiko isn't here," Chiemi reminded. "Besides, that arrow probably made a hole in the table... I feel bad for it now."

"Tokihiko can rot in Hell. In fact, I strongly encourage he does," Rei spat. "I say we just leave him here."

"If we do that, we'll be no better than him. I say we get outta here and then just... bring him to the police. Let them arrest him I guess," Mutsumi shrugged. "What's your game plan, Akira?"

Akira picked up the arrow from the table, twisting the tip around her fingers as she started to explain. "Kouta and Tokihiko went to the arcade's edge and found a strong electric barrier. Now, I don't know much about electricity, but I know that it short-circuits when water is poured on it. We need to find out what the source of the barrier is and destroy it."

"How do we do that without Hejjikuma finding out? If he catches us, we're dead meat." Obokata huffed. "We can't exactly just waltz into the control panel. If he knows exactly what happens during each murder, he's got to be watching us."

"We'll need a distraction. Anyone up for it?" Akira asked.

"Oh! I'm annoying enough to be used as a distraction," Chiemi volunteered with a smile. "Shinako and I can do it together!"

"Ah- um- sure," Shianko replied, a nervous edge in her voice. "If it helps, I'd be glad to!"

"Why do you look so nervous? He isn't that scary," Mutsumi scoffed. "Dude's a hedgehog."

"Um- no reason," Shinako insisted with a forced smile. "Chiemi and I should go make a game plan. See you guys around. What time are we going to do this?"

"Hm. We'll use today for planning, tomorrow will be making sure everyone knows what they're doing, and then we'll tell Tokihiko and do it in three days," Akira instructed. "I'll destroy the control panel, as said before, Chiemi and Shinako will distract Hejjikuma, and anyone else can come to me if they want to help."

With that, the plan was set in motion.


Akira had gone to the kitchen to grab some food and water for Mana - some apple slices (no seeds or peel, obviously). As she put the apples in a small bowl to feed her in, Obokata entered the kitchen and waved to her.

"Hey, Akira."

"Hey. Need something?"

He hesitated and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I was wondering if I could help you out. With- With the plan, that is. You know, the one- with the barrier-"

She cut him off with an amused hum. "Yes, I know. I'm a bit surprised to hear it come from you of all people, though. Why'd you decide to ask?"

"You know Mutsumi?"

"Trying to impress her?"

"Well, sort-of." He sighed. "She's just- so much better than me at everything. Always so optimistic, always so good at reading the mood, always so good at being a badass. I want to have some time in the spotlight, too. It kinda sucks just being in the background all the time."

Well, he isn't really very talkative. He kinda is a background character.

"I understand that," she said softly, turning on the sink and washing the knife off. "Hey, glad you've managed to find your confidence. You can help, obviously. How good are you at navigation?"

"Decent," he shrugged. A smile filled his features. "Thanks, Akira. I'll make sure to brag about it to Mutsumi."

She held back a laugh at how stiff he was. He really did need to stop being so serious all the time. "Yeah. You do that."

"I will! I'll go do it right now, as a matter of fact!" He announced happily, basically bouncing out of the kitchen and running to the snowboarder with an eager, "Hey, Sumi, guess what?!"

Looks like the game is almost over.

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