[ chapter 5 - this trial is spicy ]

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Question of The Day:

Anyone you'd like to know more about? Whether that be backstory, motivations, etc. etc.


Everyone was dead silent going to the trial rooms. The only noises coming out of anyone's mouth once they lined up at their podiums being Rei's muffled hiccups, though she covered her mouth so they would become more quiet, thus allowing Akira to ask Hejjikuma a question.

"Hejjikuma, how come these portraits are so weird?" Chiemi asked for her. It was true - usually, the ' death portrait ' of each student was something relating to their death - but here? It wasn't. Tokihiko's portrait was just a giant, red question mark, whereas Raizo didn't even have a portrait.

"Er... That's not important, olive head." Hejjikuma dismissed her with a wave of his paw. "Just start the trial. I'm sure it'll all be explained in time."

...Hejjikuma's being suspicious. There's an alternative reason these portraits are so mundane - or nonexistent. We just need to figure out what happened.

[ Class Trial - BEGIN! ]

"...Now, I've had a theory since the beginning, but I need to slowly make my way to confirm it. For now, let's just begin with a simple question: Obokata-" Akira began quickly, chuckling as he jolted at the mention of his name. "I'm not accusing you. Just have a question."

"Oh! A question! Yes?" He asked nervously. "Jeez, you scared me. I didn't know you were so threatening."

"Maybe you're just a scaredy-cat," Chiemi shrugged with a snicker.


Akira: Obokata, please answer me this one question...

Akira: ...Did you see Raizo after you left the Trial Room?

Obokata: Raizo?

Obokata: ...No, I didn't-

"Allow me to cut through that contradiction!"

[ BREAK! ]

"...You're sure you didn't see him? Saying you did won't make me suspect you." Akira reassured him. "Like, not at all. Not at all that entire night?"

Obokata shook his head. "No. Why?"

"That's weird." Naoki grunted, hand on chin. "He did say he wanted to see you after you left the trial room. Did he lie about it? Sneaky little fucker."

"If he did lie, where did he go? Surely he didn't just walk over to the hidden room you two found him in." Chiemi questioned. "...Did he?"

"Tokihiko was missing before Raizo left." Rei pointed out, seeming to get some of her composure back. "Maybe he lured Raizo over there before he could see Obokata."


Huh. I'll note that.

"This doesn't explain what happened in that room. Akira and Rei were the only ones there. They should know." Naoki pointed to the two girls. "Anything... suspicious... about the bodies?"

There was a lot of weird stuff, actually.


Naoki: So, Purple Girl and Red Girl went and found the bodies.

Naoki: What'd they notice?

Chiemi: This is just a guess, but maybe something that hinted to the cause of death-

"I agree with that!"

[ BREAK! ]

"Rei, didn't we find something near Tokihiko's body? Something that would point to how he died?" Akira asked, turning her head to the historian, who looked puzzled for a second before realizing.

"Yes. A bottle. A bottle of poison to be exact." Rei answered with a nod. "Though... it was close-by his hand. I'm not sure if he drank the poison himself or was poisoned by Raizo."

"Maybe they both drank it. Y'know, make it a double suicide." Naoki suggested with a shrug. "He's dumb enough to do that."

Rei shot him a death glare.

...A double suicide? No, that doesn't make sense. There was enough poison in there to kill one person, sure, but the issue with them both being poisoned is...

Why couldn't Raizo and Tokihiko both have drunken the poison?

There was only one bottle

Because one died before the poison was opened

Because it wouldn't have killed them

"I got it!"

[ BREAK! ]

"Naoki, it's a good idea, but there was only one bottle of poison in the hidden room. Enough to kill one person. Only one of them drank that, and it was Tokihiko, judging by his hand." Akira countered. "...The real question is if he drank it willingly."

"...Are you suggesting Raizo made him drink it?!" Rei asked, furious judging by how red her face was. "You were closer to him than any of us! How dare you accuse him of that?!"

"Ooooh, how daaare you accuse Raizo of killing Banriiii!" Naoki shot back sarcastically. "Anything's possible. He could've."

...Did he really, though? That thing seems to say otherwise.


What object proves Tokihiko willingly drank the poison?

"I can prove it with this!"

[ BREAK! ]

"While in the hidden room, we found an audio recording of a device only in Rei's room. In the audio clip, we heard someone talking about how they've already ' said their last words ', meaning they were aware of and prepared for their death." Akira informed the group. "...That person was clearly Tokihiko."

"Then... the one recording was Raizo?" Chiemi asked. "And he got the device from Rei's room?"

All eyes fell on Rei, who started to look around with a wild look in her eyes. She fake-laughed, hand on her forehead. "What? You're not accusing me of this. I don't believe it. After all the shit I've done for you people? You're accusing me of killing one of my only friends left in this stupid killing game?"

"Rei, we're just saying Raizo got it from your room. Did he ever visit?" Akira asked in a gentle tone, which seemed to calm her down a little bit.

"...He did. A few days before Shinako died."

"That's when he grabbed the device? Just how ' prepared ' was he for this?" Obokata pushed the scarf further up his face. "Seems like those two both knew in advance. Did they work together or something?"

"That's where my theory comes in." Akira interrupted him with a confident smirk. "And it starts all the way before the third trial."

"It's like the Eiko situation all over again... Go on, explain." Naoki groaned.


Rei raised her eyebrow. Good, Akira had her attention.

"Remember when I told you about Tokihiko trying to make a ' deal ' with Raizo...?"


cliffhanger tiem

this trial be spicy asf tho i promise, just wait bitches >:(

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