[ prologue - tea time ]

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As Akira walked down the dirt roads of the ' fun fair ' she felt more and more confused. Rides (though most of them were closed), food vendors (they had automated ticket scanners you'd use to buy the food), amusement part games... it was all so odd and out of place.

Suddenly, she noticed a person sitting at one of the tables. She was drinking what looked like tea and talking to herself. Akira smiled, figuring anyone was saner than Tokihiko and approached her. While Akira wasn't good in social situations, one-on-one conversations were always better than not talking at all and having no friends for all the time she'd be stuck here.

She didn't seem to notice Akira's presence until she sat across from her and tapped the table, causing the women to look up. She had soft, ivory skin with a constant blush on. Akira couldn't see her eyes - they were covered up by her thick, circular indigo glasses. Her hair was olive green, bangs covering most of her forehead and some of her lenses. In the back, it was tied up in a messy yet elegant, wavy ponytail that went a little bit above the shoulder. She had a bit of chub on her, but she wasn't overweight. She had a tank top that cut off above the belly button with forest green sleeves and a circle in the middle. She had a brown, small bag over her shoulder. She had a long, flowing skirt that went down to her ankles with gray and green patterns all around.

"Hello there! Sorry I didn't notice you earlier. When I drink my tea I get very into it life and its meaning." She apologized with a soft smile. "For example - ways that we can save the trees or how I can convince my mom that being vegetarian is healthy." 

"You're a vegetarian?" Akira asked, perking her eyebrow.

The other woman nodded. "Of course. I love animals. I'm even trying to go vegan, but it's a bit expensive. I don't put milk in my tea if that would help. I can give you some recipes! Tofu is really tasty if you add seasoning."

Akira had seen slaughter in her town, of course. They raised and killed their own local cows, pigs, and lamb (just not chickens because the dogs kept killing them). She'd feel bad about it, but she wasn't the type to not eat meat. "No thanks. Maybe later. I'm Akira Sashiki, the Ultimate Archer."

"Oh, you're my classmate! That's great," she said, smiling a bit wider. "I'm Chiemi Wakabayashi, the Ultimate Screenwriter!"



"Screenwriter?" Akira repeated. She'd never seen a movie, so she was unsure what a screenwriter did. "What's that?"

"Oh, screenwriters basically write movie scripts and come up with the ideas and settings. Any good movies you see are only really good because the screenwriter made it good. For example, Shrek! It's a bit of a meme right now, but the tea is still piping hot and it says that Shrek's script was good."

"But the tea you're drinking is cold," Akira pointed out.

"Oh." Chiemi giggled and put her head in her chin. "Honey, it's just a saying. It's popular and trendy right now. Just like ' sis ', and ' meme '."

Akira blinked. "What is a me-me?"

Chiemi took a sip of her tea and promptly threw her head to the side, spitting it out all over the paved ground below. When she spoke, her voice was full of disbelief and shock. "Y-You don't know what a meme is?! Me-me!? Me-me?! You sound like a grandma!"

"Sorry. I grew up in a small forest town. We don't have internet there so this is new to me," Akira explained, a bit amused and a bit embarrassed.

"Well..." Chiemi sighed, then began to explain. "It's a funny picture, basically. It's pronounced ' meme ', not ' me-me '."

"Got it. Meeeemeeeee..." Akira tried to pronounce it, drawing it out a little. At the nod of approval Chiemi gave her, Akira assumed she said it correctly and sighed a breath of relief.

"Good. How about this - once we get out of here, I'll teach you how to be a meme expert so when you go back you make everyone jealous? We can meet up tomorrow right here if we're not out by then," Chiemi offered with an excited look on her face.

Akira figured that every teenager these days knew this kind of stuff, so she better go along if she wanted to know, too. "Sure."

Chiemi pumped her fist, giving herself a quiet, "Yes!"

"Great," she said, this time, louder, "see you then?"

Akira nodded and stood up. "Goodbye then, Chiemi. This has been a nice conversation."

Chiemi took another sip of her tea and waved goodbye (in the wrong direction). "Sure has."


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