[ prologue - bogus ]

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Akira sighed as Naoki stormed off and walked away. If there were sixteen students, so far two of them seemed insane and another seemed like a total hippie.

She weaved through the dirt road for a good five minutes before spotting another human being. He was staring at one of the closed down rides. It appeared to be one of the zero-gravity rides. You'd go inside, find a panel, lean on it, and the machine would spin, causing you to be stuck to one of the panels. She didn't see how it could be fun, but some people were different.

The man in question was staring at the graffiti art that littered the sides of the ride. He had a black beanie that covered some of his hair. Half of it was a hard to look at neon yellow and the other half was a hard to look at neon orange. His skin (from what she could see) was dark. She could see one of his aqua-marine eyes as well. He wore a big, baggy, Western, 1980s style jacket with crazy patterns and neon colors all over it in random order. His pants were also themed in the same way, and he wore... heelys?

He noticed her staring at her and waved, which Akira took for an invite to sit next to him. She walked over and sat down, wiping some dust off her fur skirt.

"Woah," he murmured, "is that, like, velvet or real fur?"

"It's fur," she replied.

"That's tubular, dudette!" He cheered. He held his hand up with a smile. "Up-top! Don't leave a guy hanging!"

"...What am I supposed to do here, exactly?" Akira asked with a small smile.

"High five. Like this," he gently gripped her wrist and guided her up, clapping their hands together. When she did it herself, he smiled and laughed. "Yep! Just like that! That was gnarly."

"I am Akira Sashiki, the Ultimate Archer. It is nice to meet you," Akira said with a smile. "And thank you for the high five."

"Woah, Akira Sushi? I love sushi! That's rad. I'm Banri Taguchi, the Ultimate Graffiti Artist! Radical to meet you!"



Akira sighed. "Not sushi. Sashiki."



"Oooh, got it," Banri said with a laugh, "rad-tastic name, dudette!"

Akira smiled. Banri's way of speaking was amusing, at the least. "Thank you. You have a... rad-tastic... way of speaking."

Banri laughed and clapped his hands together. "Yeah! It is pretty tubular, right? It's 1980s slang from the United States! Maan, those were the good ol' days. I mean, not like I was there, but still."

"Are you American?" Akira asked with a curious glance. Truth be told, he did have an accent.

"Sure am! I was born in Colorado. My parents were, like, totally bodacious about the 1980s because it was their golden years, so they taught me all about it and now it's my jam too, you feel me?"

"Yes. Not physically though," Akira responded. She was unsure why Banri laughed at her last comment.

He suddenly got (as) serious (as he could get), rubbing the back of his head with a frown. "But seriously, this situation we're in is totally grody. Look at this putt wall art! This isn't even real 80s style. I'd totally spazz it up so it becomes more authentic."

"Maybe we can find another space open for graffiti," Akira murmured. She didn't want Banri to get expelled on the first day, of course. "was graffiti popular in the 80s?"

"Oh, yeah. It was ace. People were showing it off as actual art instead of just saying it was all illegal and trippin'. Those guys need to learn to take a chill pill, amirite?"

"Sure..." Akira replied.

Suddenly, the conversation died. Akira had no idea what to say and Banri went back to eyeing the graffiti on the wall. 

"So, have you met the other students?" Akira asked, desperate to keep the conversation going after finding at least one semi-normal person.

"Nah, actually. I'm down to just sit here and chillax the day away! If we're in a funfair, we should enjoy it, you dig?"

"Oh. Well, some of them are a bit... unique... so maybe that's for the best!" She said with a small laugh. "But even so, I want to introduce myself to everyone. I think it'd be best if I head off for now."

Banri nodded in understanding, still smiling. "Yeah! Good luck on your adventures, dudette!"

Akira nodded. "Yep. Have a... rad-tastical day!"

She left in high spirits, feeling a bit more trendy and a bit less nervous.

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