[ chapter 3 - the end ]

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Question of The Day:

If there happens to be a traitor, who do you think it'd be?

not implying anything

let me explain why i haven't updated

there was a giant mf bug in my room somewhere. i have insectophobia so i refused to be in the room with it. i think it finally left, now, so i'm no longer being held hostage by the insect gods.


[CLOSING ARGUMENT - START!] (this is a long one bois)

"This case starts all the way back - before the first class trial even started. Tokihiko met up with Eiko and a certain someone - the culprit - before Ikue even died, in order to discuss making a deal with them. He's a bit tight-lipped about what he offered them, so I'm not sure why Eiko accepted.

The plan was to make Eiko think that Tokihiko and the culprit were planning on killing Kouta, then backstabbing and killing her instead. The reason anyone even agreed to such a plan was because Tokihiko is the Ultimate Negotiator - able to convince anyone to do anything he wants.

With Eiko thinking the plan was something different than it was, the real plan was set in motion - kill Eiko. The reason the culprit agreed to kill her was because Eiko harrassed, insulted, and bullied the culprit, perhaps into such hatred they'd rather have them both die than to have her live.

However, the plan soon fell apart. Eiko seemed to have second thoughts about the idea of killing Kouta, and so, she backed out of the plan. She was able to do this by threatening to spill Tokihiko's talent, which she managed to find out. By now, it seems the culprit wanted out, too, but since Eiko wouldn't tell them his talent, and also because they had no blackmail themselves, they were forced to continue with it.

Eiko started to notice the culprit staying in the plan. By the second trial, she had gone from being friendly with the culprit to downright hating them, probably because she still thought that their plan was to kill Kouta, though she did lie and say the reason for it was because they talked about her to me.

Eventually, the culprit tried to convince Eiko to get back in the plan, but she downright refused, and instead, decided to blackmail them too. She told the culprit if they went through with the plan, she'd tell everyone about it, and if they didn't, it's likely Tokihiko would've killed them.

With that in mind, the culprit had an emergency meeting with Tokihiko, in which he decided they'd kill both Eiko and Kouta. I'm assuming he promised the killer that Eiko would die first, in which he would become the blackened and the killer would be safe from Eiko's verbal abuse.

Skipping to the time of death - around seven in the morning. Kouta, the first victim, met up with the killer in Eiko's room. I'm not sure why - maybe he was told about the motive video. Either way, the killer, using a black, glittery hairclip they had, tried to strangle Kouta to death in a quick kill. However, he started to fight back.

In the process, Eiko's room was totally trashed and Kouta was wounded even further before the culprit finally managed to strangle him. Probably not even a minute later, Eiko was killed by none other than Tokihiko.

Tokihiko set up a trap and asked for Eiko to meet him at the freefall ride. What she didn't know what that it would lead to her death. Eiko arrived at the freefall ride and fell on a tripwire laid out below it, pushing down the ribbon attached to it and breaking it, which sent a heavy suitcase full of papers falling onto the control panel. It was heavy enough to press the ' START ' button, sending the freefall ride down and killing her.

Tokihiko, who was probably at the scene when this happened, grabbed the glove that was sticking out of the ride and left - he went to Eiko's room where Kouta had died.

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