[ chapter 1 - games ]

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sorry this chapter's so short :( just felt like i needed to update and i have a dance in a few hours so it's a bit rush e d


They arrived at an arcade in the fair. It seemed to be themed - most of the games included art, whether it be competition or replicating an art piece or something different.

As they all looked around, the hedgehog appeared.

"Ah, I've seen you found the Ultimate Arcades!" HoggoKuma cheered. "Well done, students!"

"What's an ultimate arcade?" Shinako asked.

"Good question, Shinako!" HoggoKuma cleared his throat. "An ultimate arcade is a mini arcade centered around one student's talent. We figured it fit the theme better than a lab. Also, we need to make games centered around all of you, so only three of them are open right now - arcades for the Ultimate Interior Designer, the Ultimate Graffiti Artist, which you're in right now, and the Ultimate Archer."

"So Ikue, Banri, and Akira?" Chiemi asked.

HejjiKuma spoke this time. "Of course, dipshit! You ducking feaf or something!"

"...what does feaf mean?" Raizo asked.

"Oops. Autocorrect - I meant fucking deaf."

Raizo tilted his head. "A-Autocorrect? What's that?"

"This is a verbal conversation, retard," Naoki spoke for the first time in a while. "Just shoo before I curb stomp you."

The hedgehog laughed and waved. "Alright, pipsqueak. Okay, okay, I'm going."

It vanished as most normal things do.


Everyone split up, as usual. Banri went behind a curtain in the back of the lab that connected to outside. While there, Isamu came in through the front door to let everyone know he was finished setting up.

"Sooo, who wants to see the show? You're all having great fun, I see, I see. How about more fun with a show? A grand, grand show! Yes, yes, grand indeed-"

"Stop repeating yourself. It's annoying," Naoki hissed.

"We can do the show at nighttime," Shianko suggested, "it should look a lot prettier then."

"Good idea," Chiemi smiled. "We'll be there in an hour, Isamu."

Isamu nodded, tipped his hat, and left.

Soon after he left, Ikue excused herself for a little bit.

"Just gotta use the restroom," Ikue shrugged. "I may be gone for an extra while since I also wanna see my arcade. I bet it's got all kinds of good fashion games - better than this. Art is overrated."

"What?!" Banri shouted.

"Oh- shit- I didn't mean to say that-" 

Akira took the liberty to stop the shouting before it turned into a full-on argument. "It's fine, you two! Ikue didn't mean to say that." She turned to the other girl and offered an understanding smile. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure Banri isn't offended or anything - you can go have fun in your lab and meet us at the stage when nighttime comes. Then, when Isamu is done, we can ' blow this popsicle stand '."

"Wow, she actually used a phrase correctly," Naoki scoffed from the corner he was sulking in. "Whoop-de-fucking-do."

"Don't be rude!" Ikue sassed back, crossing her arms. "You're just jealous 'cause Akira is way prettier and cooler than you. You look like a popcorn kernel trying to imitate the 1970s hipster movement."

A low ' oooh... ' filled the room.

Naoki was red-hot with rage. He strolled over from his emo corner(tm) and basically lifted the girl up. "That's it, you bimbo bitch. Get out of my fucking sight before I take all of your makeup and shove it down your fucking throat-"

"Wait, guys, don't fight!" Banri called out as the two tussled. "Kouta would be totally disappointed-"

"Who cares about that idiot?!" Naoki hissed. "He looks like he's gotten rained on every fucking second!"

Something about Naoki's first sentence seemed familiar for some reason.

Rei sighed. "If you're going to talk about someone not here to defend themselves, you're even more of a sad excuse of a human than I thought you were. Quit it and let Ikue leave or I'll kick both of you out."

"It's... It's my arcade-" Banri started, but he quit as soon as Rei glared at him.

Noaki sighed and let the designer go. "Fine. Sorry."

Ikue wiped some dust off her sleeve (it wasn't really a sleeve, but...). "Alright. Thanks, Rei. Guess you aren't as much of an asshole as I thought!"

Rei glared even harder, if that was physically possible. "Just get out."

The girl giggled and turned to Akira. "Thanks, Akira. You're a really good friend, you know! Even if I only knew you for a day or two!"

Akira shrugged. "Just trying to stop a fight from breaking out. See you later, Ikue."

Ikue waved goodbye and left the group.

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