[ chapter 4 - the plan! ]

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Question of The Day:

On a scale of 1-10, how much pain have I made you feel through this book? So far, at least. Trust me this chapter will be even worse.



Before the group split up, Shinako let Akira know she was changing the sleepover: tomorrow night. The night of the plan.

"But we'll be out by then."

"...We'll do it at my house then."

She didn't have a good feeling, but she agreed.


Akira decided she had nothing better to do, so she went to visit Mana and Raizo. She trusted him, but she also was worried he accidentally killed her, though he probably would've let her know.

She knocked on the door, playing a little melody with her hands. Raizo smiled and let her in, apologizing for the ' mess ' in his room, though it was cleaner than her room by a long shot.

Mana was sleeping peacefully on his bed, on top of a shirt that looked too big for Raizo to wear.

"Who's shirt is that?" She asked, pointing to it. It looked like a girl's shirt.

"My momma's," he answered, looking down, "she gave it to me. I'm... worried about her."

Dammit, why am I always so curious?


"She's sick. She's always sick," he replied, sitting down next to the sleeping molly and touching the part of the shirt sticking out. For the first time, he looked angry. "It's because of papa. I don't like him."

I shouldn't push. I came to check on Mana. Hope he doesn't get too upset.

"How's Mana doing?" She asked, quickly changing the subject. Raizo nodded appreciatively.

"Good. I like to talk to her... she listens to me," he responded, "...i-is that weird?"

"No. I used to talk to the coy fish in our pond. Animals are good listeners," Akira smiled and stood up. "I just wanted to check on her. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Bye!"



"Get to bed, losers! Tomorrow night, I have an- ahem- announcement to make."


Akira sighed. First time in a while Hejjikuma made the announcement. Why was he such a jerk? He was already killing everyone.

She fell asleep holding her lucky arrow, praying something wasn't impaled when she woke up.


Knock knock.

She groaned and basically slid out of the bed. Morning hadn't come yet, judging by how dark it was outside. Putting down her arrow, she opened the door to see Obokata standing there impatiently.

"We're gonna start now. Everyone else is waiting in the dining hall. You coming?" He asks, holding back a laugh at her face when she remembers about the plan. "The morning announcement is just about to play. Hoggokuma will be extra distracted making it."

"Oh. Good idea. We know where the control panel is, right?" She asked nervously as the two started to walk down the hall.

"Yeah. Rei found it on one of her midnight walks. Says it's in the room all the way in the back - right next to the barrier. It's a gray room with one of the ' authorized personnel only ' signs on it," he explained, "I'll lead you there."

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