[ 4th BDA ]

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Question of The Day:

Y'all like Pewdiepie's Minecraft series? All hail Sven, our God

[sees title]

oh no

(sorry i couldn't do a cutscene for the BDA this time :< my phone decided to not work and i don't want to keep you guys waiting possibly days just for an extra cutscene)


Rei gripped the diary entry tight in her hands, then sighed, holding it up and ripping it in half. "This is full of shit." She spat, dropping the two halves on the ground. She continued, stepping on them and grinding her feet into it. "I don't even know why I try to solve this. All it does it cause people to die. We're stuck here. There's nothing left. I fucking give up."

She turned to Akira, eyes narrowed with grim determination. "You. Shinako is your friend. You're going to help me."

"Depends on what you're planning on doing," Akira huffed, crossing her arms. "I'm not hurting her, even if she is the traitor. I haven't heard her side of the story yet."

"Hurt her? Who do you think I am?" Rei snorted back. "We're going to get her to talk. Meet me in my room first thing tomorrow morning and we'll discuss how."

"I wouldn't do that, Rei," Obokata warned her. "Chiemi would freak out. Don't want anyone else getting murdered."

"She doesn't have the guts to do that," Rei replied cooly. "Akira, I expect to see you soon." She nodded and walked away. "And, by the way..."

"Let Shinako know I can't go to her ' girl's night '."


The remaining students all decided to sit down and talk about what they were going to do next. Rei, Chiemi, and Shinako weren't there, though Raizo did come back after getting Chiemi to fall asleep in her room.

"I'm surprised he managed to do it," Mutsumi said proudly. "I would've flipped out so badly, dude, seriously. Was her eye okay?"

"It... was all bloody, so I replaced the bandage," Raizo answered, hugging his knees and looking like he'd just seen a ghost. "I just did what mommy did for me. I'm not good at it, but I sang that song she always sings for me and she fell asleep."

"Man, you're such a bro," the snowboarder sighed. "Moving on, anyone besides Tokihiko have any ideas?"

Tokihiko lifted his chin up. "How scurrilous."

"You tried to kill us. I think that warrants you not being allowed to talk," Obokata shot back, "now, any ideas? That don't involve death?"

"Well, what if the whole ' there's nothing on the outside ' is just... another barrier?" Naoki suggested, shrugging. "I mean, I bet the asshole behind this is the one keeping us all trapped in here. If we can get Shinako to be useful for once and spill who she's feeding info to, we can find out who's behind this and make 'em turn it off."

"Maybe. But like... if what she said is true, then I don't really want to kill myself, so...?" Obokata coughed into his hand.

"I call her bluff," Naoki scoffed.

Akira hummed. Everyone was being too forceful - Shinako was pretty gentle. If anything, it'd make her more nervous about talking. "How about... we just talk to her? She must be really, really hurt right now. She must think we all hate her."

"I do," Naoki answered.

"Rude," Mutsumi scoffed.

"It was rude of her to feed the asshole behind this information." He shot back. "She's a traitor, through and through."

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