[ chapter 4 - dysfunctionally functional ]

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Question of The Day:

So far, what is your BrOTP?

aka which two characters have the best friendship. i shoehorned too many in man

(a bit of a short chapter today lads :( trust me next chapter is long)


The next morning came, leaving Akira oddly refreshed for someone who got stabbed with an arrow the day prior. Thoughts about finding Tokihiko came to her head, but she honestly was more focused on the plan working to care about him. Nobody was naive enough to fall for his tricks.

It was a little odd not being woken up by Mana stepping on her face. It was lonely, but also nice. Mana was in good hands - Akira was sure she'd visit basically every day anyway. Raizo would take good care of her, at least until her arm healed.

She hopped off her bed and looked at her arm. It was red and swollen, but the bleeding stopped. An ice pack would help.

Knock knock!

She turned her head to the door. Chances are, it was late and someone was concerned she didn't show up at the dining hall. She didn't hear the morning announcement.

She walked up and opened the door, smiling at who was there. "Oh, hey Raizo. What did you need?"

"I just realized I have no idea what cats eat..." the candlemaker murmured awkwardly. "She's hungry... probably? She keeps pawing at my knees."

"Mhm. Most of the things in the kitchen are fine, since it's mostly fruits and veggies. Just try not to give her grapes. Broccoli is good from what I've heard," she suggested. "you can give her tuna as well."

"Got it. Broccoli and tuna," he repeated it to himself and smiled. "Thanks, Akira. See you later?"

"Yep. See ya."

Oh, how awkward it was when you say ' goodbye ' to someone, and then end up going in the same direction as them.


The dining hall was full and in good spirits. People talking about the plan to destroy the control panel eagarly, banter about what they would do once they got out of here... it filled Akira with a happy, fluttering feeling in her chest she couldn't quite describe.

Even Rei was joining in. She looked up at Akira and gave her a formal head nod, smiling. "Good morning."

Akira nodded back, dramatically bowing and smirking. "And to you, m'lady."

The historian burst out laughing. "Fancy, aren't we?"

"Wow. First time I've heard her laugh since... ever." Chiemi snorted. "Nice job, Aki!"

"It's a talent," she replied, taking a seat next to her and shrugging. "What can I say?"

Rei's smile quickly faltered. She pat her back gently to get her attention and whispered, "What happened to your arm?"

"Tokihiko. Tokihiko happened," she replied with an angry sigh. She almost forgot about that brat!

"He attacked you?"

"No. I... I kind of attacked him. I wasn't trying to hurt him, though."


"I was going to feed Mana when I heard him talking to someone. He's up to something. Tried to make a ' deal ' with Raizo that involved both of them dying. Promised he'd tell him who this ' traitor ' was - someone working with Hoggokuma - if he agreed. I stopped him, but he pushed me and my arm landed on one of the arrows. Haven't seen him since," she explained.

"Picking the stupid ones. Truly a manipulator," she groaned, "just great. Now we need to look for him before he tries to trick someone else into doing something." She stood up and pushed her chair in, ignoring the questioning looks from Chiemi and Shinako. "I'm going to find him, bring him here, and make him explain."

Good luck with that... He's a slippery one.

She turned around when Shinako poked her shoulder. "Hey, Akira. All of the gals are having a girl's night tonight in my room. Wanna join?"

"Everyone? Even Rei?"

Shinako nodded. "Yeah. I have my ways of getting people to agree. Mutsumi said she wasn't sure if she could come - had to talk to Obokata or something, but she said she'll try to make it."

"Sure. That sounds fun." Akira agreed. "Nice of you to invite me."

"Well, you're my friend, so clearly," Shiako replied with a grin. "Besides, after the plan and all, and we escape, I kinda need to tell everyone something."

"Tell us what?"

She shrugged and looked to the side. "It's a secret."


Rei never found Tokihiko. She was gone for half an hour. What did she did find, however, was another diary entry.

' Diary

I'm actually doing it.

Time for me to shine for once.

I'll finally be in my dream game.

- Yunna '

"That's vague," Akira sighed, "why does this ' Yuuna ' write so weirdly?"

"Something tells me someone here isn't actually who they say they are," Rei's eyes involuntarily narrowed, "this is clearly a spinoff of ' Danganronpa '. I have a feeling that one of us is secretly Yuuna - pretending to be our friend. A mastermind."

"Mastermind? Maybe Yuuna is just... controlling Hoggokuma from behind the scenes?" Akira suggested nervously. If that was true...

"No. Whoever this Yuuna is, they want to be in the killing game itself. They're one of us. I don't know why I'm telling you, since you could also be ' Yuuna ', but I trust you enough." Rei stated firmly.

Akira sighed. There was no way to change her mind.

A nagging voice in the back of her head told her that was because Rei was right.

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