[ 5th BDA(s?) ]

277 10 39

Question of The Day:

Can y'all think of questions? Oops I'm out.

also my phone works again yaay! i'll make art later ;;


"Oh my God."

She had trouble explaining what she saw.

The room was completely trashed - burnt paper filling her nose, melted wax all over the floor... puddles of liquid...

And in the middle of it?

Raizo Baisho and Tokihiko Rokude.

Both dead.


Rei covered her mouth, face pale and tears building up in her eyes. She ran to the middle of the room, nearly tripping on a puddle of blood, and kneeled beside the bodies. She weakly poked at Raizo's limp body, voice cracking as she asked in a defeated voice: "Raizo?"

No response. He was, without a doubt, dead.

"What if... she gets killed?

"That won't happen. I won't let anyone get killed. Not you, not me, not Shinako, not anyone."

Akira felt tears building up instinctively as well.

She failed her promise yet again.

She failed to protect everyone again. She failed to give Raizo that party she promised. She failed to keep a close enough eye on Tokihiko to prevent him from doing anything that would result in this.

And now, because of that, they were both dead.

Rei clutched the floor with her hands, entire body wracking with heavy sobs. "Why!? Why is it always me?! First Kouta, now Raizo! Who's next? Are you going to die next? ARE YOU?"

Not even caring about the evidence being destroyed, she laid her head on his limp shoulder and started to sob into it. It was the first time Akira had seen her cry, and she didn't enjoy it in the slightest.

She instead decided to focus on Tokihiko.

She instinctively frowned. Had she known he would end up like this so soon, she would've told him she forgave him for all the things he'd done.

Deep down, she was well aware he wanted the Killing Game to end just as badly as anyone else.

"And with it, thy Killing Game will end."

He was prepared to go to such extremes to end the Killing Game - murder, manipulation, a lot of bad jokes - but Akira couldn't help but feel it was ironic it got him killed.

So, instead of telling him in person, she kneeled down besides his body, put a hand on his cold cheek, and said softly:

"I forgive you."

Bing bong bing bong!

"Whoo donkey! This has gotta be the shortest time between two murders I've ever seen. Ratings are gonna skyrocket! You guys are eager as ever for all this talk about ending the season." Hejjikuma boasted. "Anyways, since the space where the body is is off-limits, we're gonna ask only the people who found the bodies investigate inside. All you fuckers do it outside the Ferris Wheel. By the way, the dead guys are the lime-head and his orange partner."

Zzt! Zzt!

Rei sniffled, wiping her eyes on her sleeve and standing up. "I guess it's just us then. I... ah. We're not even getting a HoggoGuide I bet."

"We need to solve this anyway." Akira said firmly. She didn't look at the bodies or she knew she'd break down and then Rei would break down again. "This happened for a reason. Nobody would just kill a day after a murder for fun. There's some reason they died so soon after the trial.."

Rei nodded. "Akira. We've grown closer over these past few days or... whatever. Good luck."

Akira smiled. "Good luck."



what's that? a trial fucker-upper living past chapter 5? hahah no

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