[ chapter 3 - the big reveal ]

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from now on, i'm introducing a new thing to get you guys more involved! i like to hear people's opinions, so every chapter i'll ask a new question!

Question Of The Day: Who's your favorite character so far and why?

also ty so much for 1k! we got this bois

(sorry, a bit of a short chapter. chapter 3 is gonna be mf WILD and im hype as shit)


Eventually, Rei walked back in the dining hall, picked up her book, and kept reading. At first, Mioko and Raizo weren't with her.

"Rei, where are those two?" Obokata asked as she flipped the page. "I thought you were going to get them."

Her only response was a vague: "They're coming."


Eventually, Eiko decided she had enough waiting. "This is taking too long. I say we just go do the laps without them-"

"Wait, guys! Wait!"

The door swung open, and Mioko stepped inside. "Ah- sorry for the wait! I-I didn't mean for this to take so long!"

"Oh, hey R- oh, it's you," Eiko grumbled with a pout. "Great."

"Where's Raizo? Is he- y'know- R-I-P?" Chiemi asked. "'Cause if so, that's so sad. Can we hit 3 likes?"

"No. He's not dead," Mioko rolled her eyes. "I just had to give him a little pep talk. He should come in now."

...And come in he did.

Akira couldn't help but gasp at the differences.

His hat was completely gone, which revealed the hair he had pushed back

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His hat was completely gone, which revealed the hair he had pushed back. He had the widest, softest silver-gray eyes she had ever seen in her life. 

Eiko basically screamed in delight, running over to the nervous candlemaker and squishing him in a hug. "Awwh! You're so adorable with your hair pushed back! You look less like a hobo now!"

"You're suffocating him," Rei snickered.

Eiko continued to squeeze him anyway. "I'm so proud of you! Was this the will of the great Eiko speaking to you on a spiritual level or what?" She finally pulled away so he had a chance to speak.

"U-Um... w-well..." he started, entire face beet red with nerves, "B-Banri told me... I'd use this to grow... and- I didn't get to... s-show him my face." He inhaled shakily. "I-I wanted you all to see. It's... it's what he would've wanted. Y-You don't hate me now, right?"

"Of course not!" Akira insisted. "It's just like he told you. Nobody would hate you for something as simple as showing your face."

Mioko looked to the side with a flustered smile. "Yeah... they're cute."

"Oh!" He gasped in shock. "T-Thank you!"

"Ew, get a room, you two," Naoki huffed, "I'd rather do the laps than sit around and watch you fucking flirt. One of ya' is probably gonna die anyway."

Nobody said a word.

Akira sighed. Oh boy.


"Alright, everyone!" Mutsumi shouted, hands in the air as she smiled excitedly. "We all ready to run? Remember, two laps around the park! First one to finish gets one thing of their choice!"

"I pick death," Obokata grinned.


"Hmm... I think I know what I'd ask for," Chiemi said to herself.

Shinako eyed her curiously. "Oh really? What is it?"

"A life-sized cutout of Danny Devito!"

"Oh, God..."

"Who's Danny Devito?" Akira asked. The three were currently sitting on a bench nearby the starting area, decked out with water bottles and a bandana Mioko supplied - she apparently had every single colored haired decoration known to man.

"Oh. Well, in my religion, he's basically like our God figure," Chiemi explained, trying not to burst out in horrendous laughter when Akira shrugged and accepted the answer.

"Well, I'd ask for a studio so that I can record my own sound effects again! I just really wanna put these items here to good use," Shinako replied to her own question. "What would you ask for, Akira?"

"Clothes not made out of fur. It's hot out and I feel like I'm dying of heat stroke..." the archer complained, causing the other two girls to erupt into fits of giggles.

"You three!" Mutsumi shouted to the girls on the bench. "Don't just sit around - we've gotta bond our brains and stuff!"

"Um- I can't run, I have acne," Shinako stammered nervously. "Oh- so sorry, wish I could do it."

"Same," Chiemi replied.

Mutsumi gave them a thumbs up, seeming to believe that without hesitation. "Oh, okay! That makes sense. What about you, Akira?"

"If I run in this coat, I'll sweat so much that to get it off I'd have to shake like a soaked dog," Akira replied.

Mutsumi shivered and nodded. "Okay, okay, gee. I don't wanna imagine you doing that, it's weird. You three can sit out. The rest of you should start, though!"

"What?! You're excusing them because of acne?! The rest of us have acne too, you know!" Naoki hissed. "This is bullshit!"

"Well, if you're gonna be a sourpuss about it then feel free to sit out as well," Mutsumi huffed, clearly annoyed. The pool player shrugged and took a seat on the grass. "As for the rest of you, get to it! Let's go, let's go!"

Akira laughed to herself as the students willing to run started to do so. At least not everyone was moping around for the day.

I guess certain people really do encourage us to change.

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