Chapter 13

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Hayley's POV

I looked at Stiles at the compound. "So, your father is the only thing that Stiles fears?" I asked looking at Elijah crossing my arms. "Indeed. We need his help if we are to beat the witches." Elijah said. "I agree, Brother, Stiles is our best bet against the witches." Klaus said as he walked in looking at his youngest brother and sighing. "Klaus. Stiles saw our father in a fear spell." Elijah told Klaus. "The only thing in the world that our youngest brother fears." Klaus said. Stiles stirred and the color in his face returned. His eyes snapped open his brown eyes. He looked around. "Am I dead, yet?" Stiles asked. Klaus chuckled. "Sorry to disappoint you but no. You aren't." Elijah said with a smirk. Stiles laughed as he sat up. He stood up and gasped as became frozen and entranced. "What's wrong with him?" I asked. "I think he's still under the effects. Being a power source for five days straight can take a toll on you. We don't know what Stiles has been through. We can only assume that it wasn't good." Elijah said. Stiles eyes glowed purple and veins appeared under his eyes. "That doesn't look very good." Klaus said. "Betrayal." Stiles whispered. "What is he talking about?" I asked. "Rebekah. Marcel. Ambush. Betrayal. Dagger." Stiles rambled. I looked at Rebekah. "What is he talking about Rebekah?" I asked. "Marcel and I made a mistake." Rebekah said. "Stiles is still pissed at me." She said. "Why?" Elijah asked. "Because...Marcel and I tried to kill him." Rebekah said. "Do you have any idea what you have done? You just pissed off the most powerful person on the planet. If I may remind you, our younger brother can't die. He is the literal definition of immortality." Elijah said walking to Rebekah.

Rebekah POV

I stood in the compound next to Marcel and his vampires holding the dagger Klaus made Stiles fetch for him. "What is this?" Stiles asked Marcel while looking at me. "Can't you tell? I'm sick and tired of you following Nik's orders. Is this what you wanted to do when you came back to New Orleans?" I asked. "Don't talk to me like you know me. You don't act like you know me. You haven't known me for more than 850 years. You don't care about me. No one cares about me. You're just afraid of what I can do when I am out of control. When I get angry. Don't think about lying to me, sister. I practically invented the art of lying." Stiles said surveying the army gathered around him to take him down. "Get him." Marcel said. I watched as Stiles smirked and ran at the men. I stood next to Marcel and looked on as the vampires dropped like flies around to Stiles. Marcel's vampires finally got the upper hand and brought Stiles to his knees. A small smirk appeared on my face as Stiles was punched in the face by Diego. They dragged him back and chained him up to the compound and continued to punch him. I stepped forward and listened. Stiles hung his head. "Rip. Rip. Rip." I heard Stiles whisper. My eyes went wide. "Heads from necks, limb from limb, and hearts from chests. All I do is rip, rip, rip." Stiles said slowly lifting his head. His eyes glowing their distinct Chimeran neon purple. Veins appeared under his eyes. "NO ONE! ESCAPES! JACK! THE RIPPER!" Stiles screamed. I dropped the dagger and took a step back. Stiles yanked at the chains holding him and pulled the men towards him. He wrapped the chains around their necks and decapitated them. He broke he chains off with ease and ran at the other vampires, tearing them to pieces. In the order of his Ripper riddle. "Wait! Stiles is Jack the Ripper?!" Marcel asked me. "He is the Original Ripper." I told him fearfully. Stiles ran around the compound hitting the necks of the vampires and tearing their throats out. "Enough!!!!" Marcel yelled. Stiles stopped his onslaught and looked at Marcel with a bloody face. "You win. Okay. You win." Marcel said. Stiles smirked his eyes still glowing bright purple. "I always win games." Stiles said staring at me losing his smirk. He sped towards me and grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the wall. His left arm shot out as he caught Marcel's throat and threw him away across the compound. He growled at me baring fangs. "You should have known better than to go against me, sister. And to think....I thought we were having a great time bonding together. Guess I was wrong." Stiles said with a look of sadness in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the dagger and sped away after tearing a writhing vampire in two. "What have I done?" I asked.

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