Chapter 127

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F    O    L    L    O    W    I    N   G         D     A    Y
I woke up in the bed feeling a bit under the weather. I looked around to see Stiles in the sleeping in the chair next me with Hope asleep in his arms. I smiled. Hope stirred in his arms and woke up rubbing her eyes. She looked over at me. I widened my arms and waved her over. She climbed out of Stiles arms and crawled into the bed and got under the covers next to me. "Hey gorgeous." I whispered softly. "Hi mom." She whispered back. "How long you have you been in here?" I asked her pointing at Stiles. Hope looked at the sleeping husband. "All night." She answered with a smile. "What do you think of him?" I whispered. "I two go great together." She said with a cute smile. Which made me smile as I pressed my lips to her forehead. "Beignets?" I asked. Her eyes widened as she scrambled out of the bed and ran out of the room and slammed the door. Stiles fell to the floor with a shout. I broke out in laughter as he got his feet. He brushed himself off and scratched the back of his head. "Ha. Ha. Hilarious." He said with squinted eyes.

M    O    N    T    H    S        L    A    T    E    R

I stood in the bathroom after taking a shower and stared at my stomach. There was a bump. I glanced at myself in the mirror. Thoughts ran through my head. What are the odds that two Mikaelson brothers got me pregnant? Apparently very good. I took a sigh as got dressed and exited the bathroom to find Stiles sitting on the floor in the hall next to the bathroom door with his eyes closed. "Babe?" I asked. He opened his eyes and looked up at me as he got to his feet. "Hey! How are you feeling?" He asked. "Good. Shower was nice." I answered. "Good. Well. That's nice to hear." He said with a smile kissing my lips. He grabbed my hand and we headed to the bedroom to sleep as names ran through my head. About over a 1,000 names blasted through my brain as I got under the covers next to my husband. "Hails, can I ask you a question?" Stiles asked. "Fire away." I stated. "Do you think my siblings will ever be together again?" He asked rubbing my left shoulder with his left hand. I let out a sigh. "Your family...has a thing about defeating impossible odds, Foxy. No matter what. Some crisis or threat will bring your family back to New Orleans again." I answered to the best of my ability. I could practically feel Stiles smile at the answer when he chuckled. "You always know what to say." He whispered before he drifted off to sleep.

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