Chapter 97

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After I put the five Mikaelson coffins in the back of the moving truck. I drove to the city limits and called Cassius who was waiting for me there. He didn't want to risk staying in New Orleans and end up being killed by Marcel's men...or Marcel himself. I picked him up and I gave him the driver's seat. I sat in the passenger's seat and put Hope between the two of us. "So...where to?" He asked. "The one place I know that we'll be safe. Stiles' second home." I answered. "In Beacon Hills, California." I added pulling out my phone and dialing a number.

B E A C O N   H I L L S,  C A

I was messing around with Allison on the floor when my phone rang. I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. HAYLEY MARSHALL. I answered it and made a silly face resulting in the young child to break out in laughter. "Hayley. What's up?" I asked smiling at Allison's reaction. "Scott. I have a favor to ask of you." Hayley asked. My smile fell away as I picked up Allison. I walked into the den to Derek and his wife. He looked at me and took Allison from me. "What kind of favor?" I asked her. "Stiles and his family succumbed to this stupid prophecy. And now Marcel is back in charge of New Orleans with me on the run with Stiles' sire, Cassius, and my daughter, Hope. Stiles siblings are in coffins in the back of moving truck." She explained. "And of what of Stiles?" I asked looking at a concerned Derek. "He's back in New Orleans prisoner to Marcel while he lay desiccated by a dagger imbued with dark magic. His life force is keeping the others alive." She explained. I leaned against the counter short of breath. "Scott?" She asked. "You're welcome to stay here." I told her before she hung up.

"What happened to Stiles?" Derek asked. "He was captured by Marcel and now Hayley on the others are on the run. They need a place to stay." I told him. Braeden took Allison from Derek as he walked over to me. "Hayley is on her way here with Cassius and her daughter, Hope." I explained him. "I'll notify the others to let them know." Derek said leaving the house. I nodded my head. I looked at Braeden. "It always seems like no matter what age you guys always seem to find a way to get in trouble." She said smirking. "Who would we be if we didn't?" I asked with a smile before heading upstairs to the master bedroom.


After many hours of driving to California. We finally was 11 at night and Hope was already passed out. "So...we're the only two left standing." Cassius said breaking the silence as he stared out at the snaking road ahead. "Guess so. Five are in the back and Stiles is back in New Orleans." I answered. "What do you think Marcel is doing to him?" He asked. "Showing him off to all of Stiles' enemies like he's some trophy." I spat. "What I don't how Stiles was able to be subdued? I thought he was practically unstoppable now?" He asked. "Nearly. He's nearly unstoppable. Not to a paralyzing and agony inducing magic dagger." I countered. "That Marcel conveniently had his hands on." Cassius grumbled. I sighed. "We're here." I said seeing two figures standing outside a house. It was Scott and Derek. Cassius parked the car in front of the house and we got out.

"Hayley." Derek whispered giving me a heartfelt hug trying his best to not wake Hope. "Sorry about Stiles. Knowing him...he's probably itching to come back and show Marcel what happens when you mess with him." Derek stated. I nodded my head. "Is it just you three?" Scott asked. "You could say that." Cassius said walking to the back of the truck and opening it. Five coffins lay inside in a row. " that?" Derek asked. "The rest of the Mikaelson family." I stated. "Are they dead?" Scott asked. "No. At least we hope not. Freya did some spell that would tether each of them to Stiles' life force. As long as he stays alive...they'll stay alive." Cassius explained. Scott sighed. "Well. We're gonna help you bring them back. By whatever means necessary." Scott said. I smiled. "Thanks. We appreciate it." Cassius said smiling. "Uh...let me show you where you guys will be staying." Scott said changing the subject heading back to the house. Cassius and I followed him inside with Derek behind us closing the back door to the truck.

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