Chapter 144

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O   L   I   V   E   R

I stood inside the den of the compound with the door locked and closed off with a boundary spell. I promised Hope I wouldn't do the spell but I'm the son of a mischievous fox. So I did what I do best. I lied. Not like it matters. Hope's doing something that she knows she shouldn't be doing in the first place. I stood up reading the spell before sacrificing a small rat. I closed my eyes and recited the ancient incantation. Wind flew around me while I used all my power to contain the ancient powerful magic and perform it at the same time. I felt blood trickle down my nose and down my chin. "Est ex vi potestatis, potestas est ex tempore. Et maior et fortior." I stated over and over again. I could feel blood pounding through my body. I let out a scream of pain as I snapped my eyes open. Magic blasted out from under me. But because of the boundary spell I set up. The magic bounced back and flew into me. My eyes fluttered as they rolled into the back of my head. I dropped to the floor and into a world of darkness.

S   T   I   L   E   S

"This wasn't here before. What is it?" Elijah asked as we all stared at the white door with multiple gold locks. "It's representational magic." Kol said looking at a lock. "I expect there are keys, one for each of us, hidden somewhere meaningful. Somewhere connected to who we are." Kol explained. "And for those of us who don't remember who we are?" Elijah asked. "Then I guess you'll be stuck in here for all eternity." I said. "I'll give Antoinette your regards." Klaus chimed in. Elijah took a step towards us. "Door won't open unless all six locks are released. The only way out is together." Freya stated. "Elijah, if we're to get through this without bloodshed, I recommend that you go the corner of the house furthest from Stiles and Nik." Kol said. I turned my body to Elijah with a devious smirk as Elijah glared at me. "Come on. Follow me." Kol said walking away before Elijah went off and followed him. Klaus walked towards the door before turning to us. "Split up. We need to this place upside down. I only just promised my daughter I wouldn't abandon her again. I can't be stuck here." Klaus said before walking away. "Well...I'm off to stay as far away from the traitorous amnesiac of a brother as possible." I said clapping my hands and walking away as well.

H   O   U   R   S      L   A   T   E   R

Hours have passed and we were no closer to finding our keys. I watched as Klaus took a sledgehammer to the Mikaelson family crest on the brick column of the compound. "We get it. I think we've established that the key isn't in the crest." Freya said. "The thing was a relic anyway." Klaus said. I heard a shout and I turned my head to see Marcel. "The bloody hell are you doing here?" I asked. He was covered in blood. "Marcel." Rebekah said. "Damn it! I got to go now." Marcel said going to leave through the door. Klaus stood in front of him. "Hey!" Klaus shouted pushing Marcel back. "What game is Vincent playing?" Klaus asked pointing a finger at him. "Oh, this has nothing to do with Vincent." Marcel said walking passed Klaus to the door. "We got to get out of here. The city is about to wash away. She's out of her damn mind." Marcel said. She? "Who, Marcel?! Who put you here?!" Klaus asked spinning Marcel around to look at him. "It was Hope. Hope is responsible for all of this." Marcel stated. 

"Ivy was telling Vincent and me all about the latest prophecy when a hurricane showed up off the coast out of nowhere." Marcel explained. "A monsoon from the waters is the final curse before the Firstborns die." Freya told him. I sat in my chair with my legs crossed biting my the nail on my thumb. I could feel Klaus staring at me. "I went to go find you guys. Hope was at St. Anne's. She had Klaus and Elijah's bodies laid out on the floor. Stiles... I was taking you back to to Hayley when I found her unconscious. Hope is gathering up all of you to take back the power that's been split up inside of you." Marcel said. "And she put me in here because she knows I would stop her." I said. "She can't do that. It'll destroy her. That was whole point." Klaus said. "She threw me in here when I tried to stop her. I can't leave until you guys find your keys." Marcel said. "Well, she can't find my body. It's halfway across the world." Rebekah said. "She has help. I created hybrids with her blood; they're sired to her. They'll do anything she asks. She'll take the power back. She'll end the curses, she'll keep the firstborns safe, and then my daughter as we know her will be forever lost to darkness." Klaus said before left. "And one other thing. Stiles...I couldn't find Ollie." Marcel said. I stood up instantly. "What?" I asked with wide eyes. "Don't worry. I have Josh looking for him." Marcel said putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure he's fine." He added with a reassuring smile. I nodded my head.

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