Chapter 56

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After not finding the murderer, I headed back home. "Well...that was a complete waste of time." Cassius said. I scoffed. "You're telling me." I stated. "I'm heading home." Cass said. "Home? Where might that be?" I asked. "Nearby. You didn't actually think I was going to leave town now did you?" He asked. "Of course not." I said. "Later." He said speeding away. I took my jacket off and sat in my chair staring out the window at the sky. I got up from my chair and went to my king-sized bed. Minutes after staring at the ceiling, I drifted off to sleep for the first time since the deaths of Dahlia and Esther. 

I stood in the woods. "Bloody hell?" I asked confused looking around. I smelled blood and tracked to a location. I found an abandoned truck that was still running. The smell was coming from there. I went to the back of the truck and found a mound of something beneath a tarp. I pulled the tarp back and saw at least 8 or 9 bodies of dead wolves. My eyes widened as I lost the feeling in my legs. "Shit." I whispered leaning against the truck. "You weren't supposed to see that." A man said from behind. My eyes glowed purple as I growled furiously. "The bloody hell I wasn't." I spat speeding to man and hoisting him into the air by his throat. "You're gonna tell me what the hell you're doing and if you don' help me...I'll tear you to pieces slowly and painfully grinning as I watch the life drain from your eyes." I threatened. The man's eyes widened. "I'm just a mercenary. I was just doing my job." He said. "I'd start looking for a new profession before you meet a beast that results in your death." I said. "Matter of fact...I think you may have just met that beast." I said before driving my hand into his abdomen and grabbing his spinal chord. I ripped it out using the jagged link of bones to stab him in the side of the neck. Blood spewed out of him like a fountain spraying all over me. My fangs elongated as I dropped the lifeless corpse to the ground. I heard gunfire and sped to the noise. I found a man with an assault rifle aiming at a wolf. I growled as black tendrils shot out from beneath my feet and snaked towards the man. The tendrils shot out towards him and grabbed hold of his arms...lifting him into the air. The wolf attacked shredding him to pieces as he screamed helplessly. The tendrils dropped the unrecognizable corpse to the ground and the wolf looked at me. I nodded my head as my vision flared scarlet for a brief second. I heard a scream and knew exactly who was screaming.

I shot up in my bed as beads of sweat rolled down my chest. I breathed rapidly. I looked over at the time to see it was 8:27 in the morning. I closed my eyes and wiped my face with a sigh. I climbed out of the bed and stood at the window. "What the bloody hell was that?" I whispered. I got dressed as I sped to the compound. I spotted Niklaus on the second floor. "Look who's finally awake. Did you enjoy your--what's wrong?" Nik asked dropping his joking demeanor becoming the concerned older brother. "You ever have dream that felt so real you don't know if you were dreaming or not?" I asked. "Rarely. Why?" He asked. "Because it just happened to me. I have a bit of experience with it when I was "possessed" by the Nogitsune in Beacon Hills." I explained. "I also seem to remember that you said that you thought you losing your mind at the time." Klaus said. "Exactly. This time I found the dead bodies of Hayley's wolf form." I said. "I highly doubt anything happened to your niece's mother." Nik said. "Are you sure about that? You said it yourself, Nik. There's a murderer in town. We didn't find him last night. Because maybe we were looking in the wrong place." I said. "I think if there was a murderer roaming the matter how ridiculously cliche that sounds...he'd already be dead at the hands of the wolves." Nik assured me. "Thanks I feel much better." I said sarcastically. "You really know how to cheer a guy up, don't you?" I added squinting my eyes at him. Nik put his hands on my shoulders. "Being the caring brother is a role best suited for another Mikaelson. Specifically, a Mikaelson that starts with the letter 'E'." Nik said. "You can at least try, Nik." I said. "I have tried, Mieczy. It's very difficult for man of my status to become soft." Nik countered. "You sure know how to soften up for Camille." I said. "Hardly. It's like trying to communicate with a dog. Impossible." Nik joked. "Look...if you're worried about Hayley. Rest assured...Freya can locate her." Nik said. I sighed. "I can do that." I said. "The point of this is for you to NOT worry." Klaus stated wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Fine." I said. "Perfect." Klaus replied with a smile. "Now would you care to join us for breakfast?" Klaus asked.

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