Chapter 133

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I drove to Hope's school with Oliver in the back seat. When we arrived we walked in and found Hope sitting in Alaric's Office. "Where's Caroline?" I asked. "Town Square getting a bite to eat." Alaric stated. "Oh. Ollie why don't you and your sister go hang out with the others while I speak with Dr. Saltzman?" I asked him. Ollie nodded his head. "Okay! Mr. Salt Man? Where do the wol-" Ollie started. "No." I interjected knowing what he was about to ask. "If you hang out with the wolves, I'll know. I'll be able to smell it. Got it?" I said. He nodded his head. "Mr. Salt Man...where's Lizzie?" He asked. Alaric smiled. "Lizzie is probably practicing with her sister Josie." Ric answered. "Hope." I said glancing over at her. She stared at me not moving. I rested my head on my hands and smirked. "Don't make me tell you twice." I stated. She jumped from her chair and grabbed Oliver's hand and headed out the office. I looked at Alaric. "Sorry about that." I said. "It's fine. I know the feeling." Ric said smirking. "Well...what did she do? Hayley told me something about blood and that was enough for me. But I want to know the whole story." I said. "Well..." Alaric started.

O    L    I    V    E    R

I walked with my sister down the hall not daring to speak to her. But I did anyway because I wanted to. "Hope?" I asked looking up at her. "What?" She asked back coldly, clearly not in the mood. "Is it true?" I asked her. "Is what true?" She asked. "So it is true." I stated quietly. "Listen hear, you little squirt, whatever you heard about me I did for another reason." She explained. "But why?" I asked. "I didn't do it for the hell of it." She answered. "Is it because of Uncle Nik?" I asked quietly. She looked down at me. "My dad has nothing to do with this. For all I know he's partying it up in Milan, feeding and killing hundreds of people. So stop asking me dumb questions and shut the hell up!" She spat. I furrowed my brows. I yanked my hand away from her, tears in my eyes. "Just because Uncle Nik won't talk to you doesn't mean you have to be so mean to me!" I shouted before I ran back to dad. "Ollie! Wait! I'm sorry! Damn it." Hope called out.

I ran through the school crying trying to find the room but the place was giant and I got lost. And ran into a tall woman. I fell back onto the wooden floor and looked up at her. She was beautiful and blonde. She looked down and knelt down. "Hi there...what's your name?" She asked. "Oliver." I said shyly. "Are you okay, Oliver?" She asked. I shook my head. "My sister was mean to me." I croaked. "Was she now?" She asked picking me up and holding me in her arms. "Why would she do that?" She asked. "She got mad at me for asking her about her dad." I said. "Hmmm. Does your sister happen to have a dad that's tall, blonde, and really old?" She asked smiling. I nodded my head. "Yeah." I stated. "I thought so. Which makes you, Oliver Mikaelson. Right?" She said smiling again showing beautiful white teeth. I nodded my head again. "Well nice to meet you, Oliver. My name is Caroline." She said as she started walking down that hall. "You're very pretty." I said out of the blue stating at her eyes. "Thank you! You're so kind." She said walking into a room. "Look who I found wandering the halls." She said walking into the Salt Man's office. Dad looked over at me, confused and concerned. "Ollie? Where's your sister?" He asked standing up. "I don't know! And I don't care!" I said furrowing my eyebrows angrily. "Apparently, Hope yelled at him." Mrs. Caroline said. "Aw. Buddy." Dad said. "I'm okay...for now. That's only because Mrs. Caroline found me." I said. "Would you look at that? I got two Mikaelsons smitten with me now." She stated smiling at me. "Thank you." I told her giving her a hug. "You are a very welcome, Oliver." She said returning the hug. She handed me over to Dad and I clambered onto his back where he instinctively held me securely as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Alright, spider monkey. You ready to head home?" He asked me. "Yeah!" I exclaimed with wide eyes. "Thanks for watching him, Care." Dad said walking out the office. "Hope! You got to the count of three to be outside or you're grounded for life!" Dad shouted his voice echoing throughout the school as headed towards the exit.

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