Chapter 88

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F O L L O W I N G   D A Y

"We need to find that petulant monster of a sire and make him wish he ever knew my family." I spat as anger built up inside of me. "Niklaus. We just lost Stiles...Give us some time to grieve first." Freya said. "That's the best time to strike. We won't be expecting it." I said. "I will not allow my brother's murderer to roam free. Not any longer!" I fumed. "Niklaus!" Elijah shouted. I spun around. "What?!" I shot back. "Calm yourself. We get that you want Lucien to pay for his crimes but trying to do it without a clear mind will also get you killed and I can't do another funeral." Elijah said shaking his head. I dropped my head and sighed slowly. I took a seat in a chair. "I should've been there. He needed my help. And I wasn't there to protect him." I said breaking down. "You were there, Brother. You were with him when he needed you in his final moments." Elijah said. "You know damn well what I bloody meant." I said as tears streamed down my face. "You're hurting...we all are. But Lucien isn't going anywhere. We need time to deal with our pain and loss before we take Lucien head on." Elijah explained. "I can't lose anymore of my brothers." Freya said sitting down next to us. She leaned her head on my shoulder. "How's Hayley holding up?" I asked Elijah. He looked at me and shook his head silently. "Horribly. She just lost both of the men she loved in the course of a month." He explained. "Right now...Stile would probably out a bar drinking a whiskey bottle dry and trying his absolute hardest to locate Lucien and find a way to kill him." I said. "He always was determined." Freya added. "And it always did annoy the bloody hell out of me." I said. "He was part fox. It was in his nature to annoy you." Elijah said. "I thought it was his nature to trick people?" Freya asked. "Well yes he loved to trick---" I started before a thought ran through my mind. "Niklaus? What is it?" Elijah asked. "Tricks. Stiles loved to play tricks. Maybe that's why Cassius isn't dead...because he tricked everyone into believing he had actually died." I said standing up. "Niklaus...we incinerated his body. He's not coming back." Freya told me. "There was a time where nothing was impossible for Stiles Mikaelson. He cheated death once...he can do it again." I said leaving. 

I walked around the French Quarter carrying Papa Tunde's blade for protection. I caught a glimpse of something to my left and looked over. It was Lucien. And he was staring straight at me. A person walked in front of him and he disappeared. I glared in his direction and crossed the street to search for him. I walked into an alley. "LUCIEN!!! COME AND FACE ME!!!" I screamed. Lucien appeared in front of me. "Niklaus. You aren't upset about me killing Mieczyslaw are you?" He asked. "Don't you bloody dare his name! You have no right!" I shouted running at him swinging the blade at him. He dodged my movements with ease and caught my arm. He slammed his leg into my chest and grabbed my arms and flung me across the lot. I got to my feet and sped towards him again. "I'm faster than you, Niklaus. I'm better than you. Hell...I'm better than Stiles. know...I killed him." He said with a smirk. I let a roar and pounced at him with the dagger raised above my head. He caught my arm before the knife could reach his chest. I struggled to push the dagger into him. He broke my wrist and I let out a scream of pain. The knife slowly began to come towards me. He headbutt me and shoved the dagger into my chest. I screamed as pain enveloped me. I fell to my knees and collapsed to the ground immobile. 

T I M E   S K I P

"Does it make you jealous that I sit before you with another suitor?" The woman I currently despised said with a smirk. "Aurora. Can't an imprisoned man get some peace and quiet? Or do you always have to run that mouth of yours?" I asked. She walked over to me and slammed a stake into my throat. "There...peace and quiet. Just like you wanted." She said squatting down in front of me. " does it feel knowing there was nothing you could do to save your brother?" She asked smiling. I glared at her. "I thought so." She said. "You see Nik, whatever terros may await me in the endless time to come pale in comparison to the joy I will take in ending you." She said opening a vial of dark red blood. My eyes widened. "Cheers." She said downing it. 

It has been hours as I hung from the device weak. I couldn't move a muscle. Aurora watched me with interest as I dropped my head. "Oh used to be so fun and exciting. Now I sit watching just makes you look sad and pathetic." Aurora said. "Then end it. Get a move on. All your doing is playing with me. You'll end up doing it anyway." I said. She grabbed a stake and stood in front of me aiming the stake at her heart. There was a ding of an elevator. "It appears we have guests." She said going to the door. She opened it and gasped. "This day just keeps on getting better and better." She said. Oh you've got to be bloody kidding me. It was Camille with a measly little knife. I dropped my head. "Camille! Run! Don't involve her in this, Aurora. this is between you and me." I told her. "Shut up, Nik. This between us girls." She countered. I had a funny feeling in my chest. A feeling like someone was going to die today...and it wasn't going to be Aurora or me.

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