Chapter 45

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The storm poured heavily onto the cobblestone streets of the Quarter. Two couples walked down the alley me and my brother currently occupied. They were clearly drunk. "I appeared in front of them. "Sorry to bother you mate. You happen to know where I can get a bite to eat?" I asked as Klaus stood next to me. "Sorry. I have no change." The man said. I chuckled. "Don't bother...I found my bite." I said speeding to the man and woman and draining them. They fell to the ground. "How do you two feel?" Dahlia asked. "Well...I just woke up from being daggered by the love of my life. I can see why my siblings loathe my brother so much." I said. "You two will need your strength if we are to go up against your siblings and anyone else that gets in our way." Dahlia said moving aside to reveal a group of people. "An all-you-can-buffet? For me? You shouldn't have." I said with a smirk, my eyes glowing as fangs elongated.

The following day, I stood outside the door to my loft

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The following day, I stood outside the door to my loft. I heard Marcel on the phone. "...I'll handle it." He said. "Oh really? How exactly will you do that?" I announced entering my loft. Marcel looked at me and Klaus. "Alright. Stiles. Klaus. Before you guys get mad--" Marcel said. I sped to him with a snarl, my eyes glowing and slammed him into the wall. "If you hadn't already noticed...I'm beyond mad." I said. "Just let me--" Marcel started. "Let you what, Marcellus? Because at the moment...your chances of survival are about as good as Hayley's chances. Very...very...slim." I said. I grabbed his throat. "Fortunately for get to live. Because I need what you have in that deceptive mind of yours." I said before snapping his neck. "And that...would be a certain somehow managed to procure before me." I said looking at Marcel and then at my brother. I smirked. Soon the loft was filled with Marcel's vampires. "Hello there." I said before they ran at me and Klaus.

I grabbed two of them and snapped their necks dropping them to the ground. Klaus incapacitated three others. "Is this a competition brother?" I asked raising a brow slamming fists into a man and jumping into the air slamming my feet into two more. "Only if you want it to be." Klaus said dropping two more. I scoffed as I drop-kicked a man in the gut. After about two to three minutes, my loft was littered with dead vampires including an unconscious Marcellus. "I say that I won." I said looking at Klaus. "We obviously tied." Klaus said wiping the blood from the corner from his mouth. I dragged Marcel and hung him upside down. "This should be fun." I said grabbing a knife with a smirk and slammed it into Marcel's side. "This might take a while. But I'm gonna enjoy...every...single...minute of it." I said yanking the knife out.

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