Chapter 55

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I entered the compound with Cassius and looked around at the group of people amassed inside. "These are his works of art?" Cass asked looking at a piece. "Yeah I still don't remember if that one is the one he painted with blood or that one is." I said pointing at another. "It's the other one." A male announced from behind. I turned to see Niklaus with a smile. "Brother. It's good to see you. Bloody hell...Cassius Assante. Could you get any younger?" Nik said looking at Cass with a smile. "Klaus. How have you been? And don't give me an answer like the bloody fox did." Cassius asked jerking his thumb in my direction. I raised my hands into the air. "Hey!" I said sounding offended. Nik smiled. "The last I saw were terrorizing the city of Monza in Italy in the late 13th century." He said. "Oh yeah! Well someone had to." Cassius said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes. "'s the exhibit?" I asked. "These people lack vision. Also, Cassius wasn't the only old friend that is here tonight." Nik stated. " mean you have more than one?" I asked mockingly. "Hilarious. If you must know he happens to be standing at the bar." Nik said. "Hate to break it to you but someone else did as well, Brother." I hinted looking over his shoulder at a woman. Nik turned around to see Cami. "I take it you had no idea she would show?" I asked. "Something along those lines." Nik said walking over to her.

I turned to the bar and walked over to it. "Well I'll be...I thought I smelled cheap cologne." I quipped. I saw a man in a black suit downing a glass in his hand. He turned around spotting Cass and me. "Mieczyslaw Mikaelson and the first of his sireline, Cassius Assante of Birmingham." The man said. "Told you it would catch on." Cass said smirking crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes. "Lucien Castle. How's New Orleans treating you?" I asked. "Well actually. You may not know this but your penthouse is near my own." Lucien said. "I didn't. Not exactly why I'm here. Cassius warned me of a war among the sirelines. Seeing how you are the first of Nik' happened to know anything about this?" I asked squinting my eyes. "Good. Finally someone smart enough to tell the Immortal Void One about the war." Lucien said sighing. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "What your friend speaks true. The four remaining sirelines are at war. As you can probably imagine Elijah and Rebekah's sirelines are at heads with you and your brother's. Mostly because a certain Original sire...can't die,"

"Before I forget kudos to you by the way. Heard about your permanent reclamation of the fox. And your werewolf nature. Therefore, becoming the world's first and only Original Chimera. Could you get any more famous, Jack?" Lucien rambled. "So what? Everyone wants to kill me?" I asked. "Of course not...they want to end the others. That's why I'm here and I'm pretty sure that's also why Cassius is here." Lucien explained. "You seem to know a hell of a lot about what's going on, Castle. So tell me this...since you know so the ones fighting for Eli's sireline happened to be old as shit and from a secret organization known as the bloody Strix?" I asked taking a step closer to Lucien. "Something like that. Yeah. That's why I think you and your brother should join forces with one another. It's already difficult enough to go against Niklaus...seeing as how most don't live long enough to tell the tale. But going against the Void One? That's a death wish on an entirely different level." Lucien said with a smile putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked down at his hand and raised an eyebrow looking at him. "Stiles...think about it. The Strix consists of many of the oldest vampires in the world. I think it be best if you prepared yourself for what is to come." Lucien said. "One...I can handle the Strix. Two...why on earth do you think I would go against Rebekah and Elijah?" I asked. "Because I've seen it for myself. There's a prophecy, old friend. A prophecy that results in the befalling of the Mikaelson family. All with one left standing...your own." Lucien said. "I sure hope you aren't planning to try and kill me Lucien. Because if you are...I'd highly suggest that you think otherwise...I mean unless you want to know the feeling of having your skin peeled off of your body and fed to the pack of wolves that lives in the Bayou?" I said. "Wouldn't dream of it. No one ever comes out living against a fight to the death with Jack the Ripper." Lucien said with a smile. "Good. I was worried that I'd have to kill you. Then who would Niklaus talk to?" I said smiling. "God I missed your sarcasm." Lucien said laughing. " you happen to know if Tristan and Aurora are in town?" Cassius asked. "If the Strix are indeed involved...then the answer is probably yes." I answered. "Isn't Aurora the first of Rebekah's sireline?" Cass asked. "Yeah. Not to mention she belongs in a loony house for the mentally insane." Lucien said. I scoffed. "Meaning...she still nuts for Picasso over there." I said looking back at Niklaus. "Undoubtedly." Lucien said. "Well that was wonderful. You three care to join me in a little adventure?" Nik asked standing behind us with a smirk. "Depends on your definition of adventure. If it means killing someone I don't like then I'm all for it. If it means searching for someone that happens to be missing? Why not?" I said. "Glad we all agree." Nik said. "What? I didn't." Cass said. "I heard there's a strip club on Bourbon that has naughty witches." I said smirking. "I bloody hate you." Cass said glaring. "That's what makes us such good friends." I said leaning on his shoulder. "If you must know...there's a murderer in town stringing people carving their faces into Joker-esque grins." Klaus said. "Eh...a bit boring if you ask me. I mean I used to rip people apart and leave a bloody mess for people to find." I said. "That's enough to give grown men nightmares." Cass said. "Good. That was the idea." I countered. "Neat. Always up for a midnight murder snack." Lucien said smiling. "Can't pass that up." Cass said. "Then it's settled we leave now." Klaus said.

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