Chapter 91

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M A T U R E   C O N T E N T   A H E A D

I entered the estate with the bleeding out Lucien over my shoulders. I found the remains of a spell in the entrance. I tilted my head to the right confused. "Don't worry about it. It's none of your concern." The demon said. I walked into the broken circle and stood in the estate square. I dropped Lucien's body on the floor carelessly and made an impenetrable barrier. I grabbed the knife block from the kitchen and returned back to the square. Lucien was waking up. "Oh good. You woke up. Wouldn't want you to miss the fun." I said. "'re like me now. An Upgraded Original." He said. "I'm nothing like you. I'm the Upgraded Original Chimera." I said trying to choose which knife would be a good knife for skinning people. "You can't keep me in here. The Ancestors won't allow it. They're on my side." He said smirking as he looked at me. I crossed my arms after choosing the biggest knife in the block. I leaned against the wall watching him. He tried to break out. "Yeah...How's that working out for ya?" I asked him. He banged his fists on the invisible wall. "No! No! NO!" He shouted. "Yes. Yes. Yes! Don't you love a good plot twist?" I asked smiling as I twirled the knife around my fingers. "The Ancestors tolerate me. They have no problem me ever since they got over with the fact that I was cursed with being multiple creatures. It's my parents and aunt they despised. Not me." I said walking towards him slowly. "You were their weapon to kill my family...I'm their weapon to kill you. See how things balance out. And now I'll just reclaim my crown as the KING of ALL VAMPIRES!!" I said grabbing his throat with a snarl. I put the knife to his under jaw. "How does it feel being so close to victory to have ripped away from you at the last second?" I asked him. He struggled against my grip. "It sucks...doesn't it? Probably not as much as this." I said plunging my hand into his stomach and yanking out his liver. "You don't need this do you? I mean you are dead." I said throwing it over my shoulder. "You're an absolute lunatic." He spat. "On the contrary. My mind is quite clear. I just enjoy killing people that wronged me." I said. "Wonderful." He said sarcastically. 

H O U R S   L A T E R

Lucien was now in unbreakable chains. A gaping hole was in his abdomen and chest. His bones and heart visible now. He no longer had the rest of his internal organs. But they were now on separate jars. "Did killing you make you become a serial killer?" He asked morphed into his Upgraded Original. "No...this is just my bad side. This is the Ripper's work. I mean..people did speculate that he was a master at using a scalpel." I said piecing together Lucien's skin torso on the floor like a puzzle. "You regret becoming like your betters?" I asked standing up as I stabbed him in each arm with a stake laced with vervain and wolfs-bane. "You were joking when you said you shove it somewhere particularly repulsive, right?" He asked curious. I looked at him. "Of course I was joking. I don't want to see your ancient asshole. Much less shove something inside of it. I'm cruel yes but not creating a violent erotica video." I said. "Oh bloody hell. I was hoping you'd let me die with some dignity." He said. "I don't care about your dignity...I care about my own." I said before skinning his legs. He let out a scream as it was peeled off with my claws. "Okay...perhaps I'm a bit a psychopath. But you to agree. So are the rest of my family. I just tap into more than the others." I said looking into his face. He spat blood into my eye. I got to my feet with a growl. I grabbed his head and spun it around. "Finally...peace and quiet." I said returning back to my sick plans. 

Eventually...I had skinned Lucien's entire body...not his entire body. But that whole thing about stamina not being an issue with him. Bullshit. Because I can name quite a few things that could be an issue...for women. I looked at him in disgust but satisfaction. "What the bloody hell is going on here?!" Niklaus asked walking in as he looked around. I turned and looked at him. "Oh. Hello, Nik. And how are you?" I asked setting the bloody knife down. "Is that?" Elijah asked walking in. "Lucien? Yes. Lucien. Hey! Wake up!" I asked slapping him across the face. He woke up. "Oh great. Company." He said looking at the others. "Are you enjoying yourself, Stiles?" He asked me. I looked around at the bloody mess on the floor and the full body skin suit to the left of me. "Yeah. I guess." I said with a shrug. "This is just sick." Elijah said. "Yeah well. Too bad." I said grabbing the largest stake. It had the exact same ingredients as the branch I threatened I would shove up his ass. "Is this to be my end now?" He asked. "Well it's obviously not mine." I said. "Have fun with Satan." I said. "I'm sure you two will have a splendid time together." I said before slamming the sharpened piece of wood into this heart. Lucien looked at me with wide eyes. The muscles he had left turned black as they were incinerated. I smiled maniacally as I watched the life leave his eyes. I grabbed a tuft of his hair and pulled his head clean off his body with his spine. "A glorious end to a filthy rodent." I said looking at the others with a smirk.  

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