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We all watched as Stiles' body turned to ashes slowly and was carried away by the wind from the giant hole in the wall. "Was that the Nogitsune?" Kol asked. "Yeah. Never thought I'd see him again. He's a lot stronger than the last time we fought each other. Like...100x stronger. Almost godly." Scott said watching the ashes leave the house. "He's gone. He's really gone." Hayley said. Cassius let out a scream before falling to the ground. "What's happening to him?" Rebekah asked. His skin was burning. "Stiles sireline. It broke." Marcel pointed out after realizing that Cassius didn't die. Cassius was breathing heavily. "Shouldn't I be dead right now?" He asked looking around confused. "Stiles must have performed the de-siring spell...saving you from inevitable death when he killed himself." Klaus explained helping him to his feet. "Apparently, he still had one more fuck to give." Cassius stated. He smacked in the back of the head by Derek. "The kids. You idiot." Derek said. "Right! Sorry about that!" Cassius said looking at Hope, Oliver, and 10 year old Allison. "Whoops!" Cassius said scratching the back of his head. Derek rolled his eyes shaking head.

"So what happens now?" Rebekah asked. "We move on...like he would've wanted us to." Elijah said. "He's probably staring at us right now...talking us to bloody do it already. He was always an impatient pain in the ass of a little brother. " Kol said. "But...he was my impatient pain in the ass of a little brother." Kol added. Klaus walked over to where Caroline was standing. "Can I speak to you in private?" He whispered to her. Everyone went there separate ways as Hope, Oliver, and I waited back. "Where to now, Mom?" Hope asked. "I don't know yet. But my gut is telling me...that your father would have wanted you two to go back to school. And learn how to protect one another." I said looking at them both. I walked to them wrapping my arms around them as we walked to out of the compound to the my car. I'm gonna miss you, Foxy.

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I looked around into the woods. "Hello?" I called out. "Stiles?" A voice asked. I turned around to see a face I haven't seen in a long time. "Sheriff?" I croaked looking at the closest thing I had to an actual father. He pulled me into a hug and we stood there in silence.

"It's been a while, Kid

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"It's been a while, Kid." He said pulling away. "I missed you." I said. "I might not be your biological father but you sure as hell are my son." He said with a smile. "I know. I always knew." I said smiling back at him. "But here's the thing, son. You can't stay here." He said. "What? What are you talking about? Of course I can." I said. "No. You can't." He said shaking his head. "Why? Why can't I stay?" I asked. "Because....you're not dead." He said pressing a finger to my heart. He looked at me with a smile. "Remember. Never trust a fox." Dad added. "The Nogitsune." I whispered. "He saved your life." Dad explained. "But the Hollow--" I started. "Gone. For good. It died when you did." He said. "You're back to old self again. Of course...he's back as well." Dad pointed out. "Yeah...Sorry about that. But the only way to save you was to make you believe that I was no longer attached to you...tricking you into thinking that you'd die forever. But the second you slammed the knife into your chest I jumped back into your mind and body...protecting you from death." The fox said coming out from the shadows. "How are you here?" I asked him. "I'm a figment of your imagination at the moment. I can't be imprisoned in the Other Side." He explained. "Other Side? Wait...that's a supernatural after life. Dad...how are you here?" I asked him. "He's standing next to you, kid." He said with a smile looking at the fox. I looked over at him. "You did this?" I asked him. "I know I come off as sort of an asshole...but I do care about you, Stiles. More than you believe." He said. "Stiles...Go." Dad said with a smile. I looked over at him and gave him one last hug before walking away with the fox. "How do I know you won't try that shit again?" I asked him. "You're joking, right? Stiles...I like Hayley and your kids. It's part of the reason I don't want you to die. Because I want to watch them grow up...with you...by their side." He said placing a hand o my shoulder. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" He said with a smile.

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Klaus sat in the driver's seat as I sat next to him. We were on our way to Mystic Falls. I looked out the window and saw a blur through the trees. "We're being followed." I said. Klaus looked around. "Drive faster." I told him. "That seems like a bad idea." Ollie pointed out. "I agree." Klaus said looking at me. "Klaus!" I screamed pointing out the windshield. Klaus slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the person standing in the middle of the road. We slowed to a stop in front of the black-cladden man. His arms were crossed over his chest and he wore an infamous smirk on his face. "Stiles?" I asked. He waved his fingers at me. I climbed out the car and ran to him. He pulled me into a kiss as he spun me around. "But how? We watched you die." I breathed pulling away from the kiss. "That's the thing...I did die. Just not completely. The bloody fox tricked me. He wanted me to believe he was no longer possessing me so I'd kill myself. When I did, he jumped into me at the last second saving me from death. Killing the Hollow permanently. My body died so the Hollow did as well. But my soul lived on--" He explained starting to ramble. I interrupted him with another kiss. "You talk too much." I breathed against his lips. Someone cleared their throat. We pulled away and looked over at Klaus and the kids. Stiles walked over to them and pulled them into a  group hug. "I don't want to die again. It sucks. I can see why people hate it." He said. "So do I." Klaus said chuckling with a smile. "I'm never EVER going to leave you two again. If I do...I will give Niklaus permission to hunt me down and beat me senseless until I come back. Sound good?" Stiles said looking at Hope and Oliver. "Sounds good to me." Ollie said with wide grin. "Hope?" Stiles asked. "I'm just happy to have you back." She said hugging him again. "Alright. Well...I hope two had some sort of plan." He said looking at me and Klaus. "We did. It's called moving to Mystic Falls and enrolling them into school." I said. "Huh. Good plan." He said with a nod getting into the car. Klaus and I looked at each other. "Is he--happier?" I asked him. "I believe so." Klaus answered looking at me. "Well...let's not ruin his mood, shall we?" Klaus said with a smile. "Hey! Wait are you two waiting for? Let's go, already!" Stiles said sticking his head out the window of the car. "We're coming. We're coming. Don't get your knickers in a knot." Klaus said shoving Stiles head back into the car as he got into the driver's seat again. I got into the passenger seat as stiles rolled the window up. "So...how was death?" Oliver asked. "Confusing." Stiles said looking at him. "How was death confusing?" Klaus asked him laughing. "I don't know. It just was. I don't know the answer to everything, Niklaus." Stiles shot back laughing. "I was under the impression that you did." Nik countered. "Hilarious." Stiles said. "Did you see anyone on the Other Side?" Hope asked. "Yeah. My foster dad. The Sheriff from Beacon Hills. He was there..." Stiles said as his voice faded out. I stared his face as he told the story about his adventure on the Other Side. I looked over at Klaus to see he was smiling at the story. This is the life I've always wanted for our family. One with pure happiness and laughter. No one was busy tearing each other's throats out. It was just laughter, stories, and unending love. Like it should be...

Always and Forever.

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