Chapter 138

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"Sister....The years have been kind to you." I heard my brother say. I stood leaning against the fireplace staring into the flames. "Well, you know, just sunblock, the love of a good woman, and literal witchcraft." Freya answered. I smiled at her response. "You can't stay. Hope's home." Freya told him. "I have no interest in infecting my daughter with this darkness. Once we've found her mother and my brother's wife, I'll crawl back to whence I came. Freya, this city reeks of blood like it hasn't since the War of 1812." Klaus told her. "Yeah, well, you're to blame this time. I know you with Elijah and then hours later, it rained red." I said announcing my presence. Klaus turned around and looked at me with a smile. "No story that begins with water turning to blood has ever ended in triumph. I need to leave or things are gonna get worse. Tell me about Hayley." Klaus said looking me and Freya. "Tried every locator spell in every language I know and I..." Freya said. I could tell that Klaus was no longer paying attention anymore. He was listening to the rapid soft footfalls of his incoming daughter. He sped away a couple of seconds before Hope arrived. "Dad?" Hope asked looking around. I looked at her with a hurt look. "I'm sorry, darling." I told her before I sped away as well.

I appeared in front of Klaus walking backwards. "You're going to have to actually see your daughter." I told him. "Hardly the time and place, Mieczy." Nik said. "I'm just much longer are you willing to avoid her before she's no longer your little girl anymore?" I asked him. He sighed. "You of all people know why I'm doing this." He said. "You're right. I do know. But I also know that you can communicate with people through a small rectangular device called a smartphone." I said. He rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for this." He said walking into an alley. A door opened and Marcel walked out. "Well, well, well. I see someone forgot to give me the memo about the former king's return to New Orleans." I said with a smirk. "Stiles. How you been?" He asked. "I've been better." I said shoving my hands into my pockets. " can't be here." Marcel said looking at Klaus. "Crashing a funeral--my favorite way to spend a Friday night. It's good to see you, Marcellus, after all this time. Sorry about Rebekah." Klaus said. "Oh, I'm sure you are. It's good to see you, too. Why are you here?" Marcel asked. "Hayley's missing." I answered. "It's been days." Klaus added. "Don't worry, I'll stick to the shadows but there's certain leads I can't follow." Klaus told him. "What do you need from me?" Marcel asked.

O   L   I   V   E   R

I was going through my dad's grimoires [that I'm not supposed to go through, by the way] and was trying out his own personal spells that he created. I was about to perform a conjuring spell when I heard a nearby thud outside. I jumped to my feet and ran out the room to Hope. I was about to open the door when I heard Hope talking to someone. I furrowed my eyebrows and eavesdropped like the sneaky son of a fox I was. "Oh. Well, Saltzman's got parent contacts on his file cabinet. Which is where he keeps his emergency bourbon, so I'm intimately familiar." A boy said. "Oh." Hope answered. "Intimately?" I whispered to myself not knowing what that meant. "Can I come in?" The boy asked. "Mm-hmm." Hope responded. "You know I'm a vampire, right?" The boy asked. "Mm-hmm." Hope repeated. "So I, uh...kind of need you to say it out loud." The boy said. "Oh! Right. Yeah. Come in." Hope said. My eyes widened. "Cute jammies." The boy told her. "Um, so why do you need to talk to me?" Hope asked him. "Yeah. Um..." The boy said when I heard doors close shut. "Look, people are saying all this stuff about Henry at school. That he died. And that he killed himself." The boy said. "You know, your friends bullied him all the time. He went through hell." Hope told him. "I know. Okay? That's why I'm here. I should pay my respects or something. I let them push him around. Make fun of his poetry, his clothes. And now...I can't sleep." The boy said. "Henry's not dead." Hope said. Uh-oh. "He's fine. Look, I have to get dressed; I have somewhere to be. Could you, like, turn?" Hope explained. 

"Oh. Yeah." The guy said. "Gross." I said to myself. "Yeah." Hope replied. "Where are you going?" He asked. "It's barely even dawn." He added. "It's a long story." She told him. "Lizzie Saltzman said she saw Henry jump from the turret. A werewolf wouldn't survive that kind of fall." He said. "Yeah. Well, Lizzie also said that I exploded an orphanage with my brain when I was eight. You can, uh, look now." Hope countered. "Yeah, I-I heard that one. I also heard you're a long-lost Romanian princess." He said. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." I whispered. "So, what is your secret, Marshall?" He asked. "Could you, maybe wait here? I won't be long." She told him. "Yeah." He said. "They've got me all wrong, you know. Truth is, I exploded an orphaned Romanian princess with my brain." She said.  My eyes widened in fear. "Brat had it coming, though." She said before I heard the door knob jiggle and the door opened. Hope looked down at me with wide eyes. "Oliver?!" She screamed in a whisper. "Uh...Hi?" I said. She glared at me. "What are you doing?" She growled. "I was worried. I heard noise." I said. "Well...I can handle myself. And I don't very much like you eavesdropping on me!" She whispered. "Who's he?" I asked. "That is none of your business." She told me grabbing my hand and pulling me into another room and closing the door behind her. I backed away from her. "You're not gonna....explode my brain are you?" I asked fearfully. "What?! Why on earth would you think that?" She asked me getting angry. "I heard about the princess." I told her. "No, you idiot. I was joking. I was trying to impress him." She said putting her hand to her forehead. "Impress who exactly?" I asked. "No one you need to be concerned about, nosy." She said. "Tell me right now or I scream." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "You won't." She said squinting my eyes. I took in a deep breath and let out a shout for a split second before she covered my mouth with her hand. I struggled against her. "Promise me that you won't tell dad." She whispered. "Ki---ard--hat--if--yo--cov--ng--mou." I mumbled against her hand. "What?" She asked. I glared at her. I looked down at her hand, waiting. "Right. Sorry." She said pulling her hand away. "I said...kinda hard to do that if you're covering my mouth." I resaid. "Promise?" She said. "Who is he?" I asked. "Promise. Me." She said. I let out a groan. "Fine. I promise." I said. She grabbed me and brought me to her room. "Roman. Meet Oliver. Oliver meet Roman." She said. "Hi." Roman said. "Why is he here?" I asked looking up at Hope. Roman was sitting on the edge of Hope's bed. "You are to stay here with him until I get back. Got it?" She told me. "You're not the boss of me!" I exclaimed. "Don't make me explode your brain, Ollie." She warned. My eyes widened running to stand behind the vampire. "Watch him for me. Please?" Hope told Roman. "Sure." He said with a smile. Hope left the room and I looked Roman over. I walked towards him and poked him in the cheek. "Uh...whatcha doin?" He asked me. "I don't get what Hope sees in you." I said. "Really?" He asked. "Hope likes me?" He asked. "Don't get your hopes up, Prince Charming. Because I'm gonna keep an eye on you two." I said squinting my eyes putting on the meanest face I possibly could. Roman let out a laugh. "I like you." He said standing up and looking around Hope's room. "Thanks. But that doesn't mean I like you." I said pointing a finger at him. Roman walked to the door. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" I asked running to stand in front of him. "I'm gonna look around." He said. "Nuh-uh. Not on my watch." I said. He scoffed. "You can't get passed me. I'm super powerful and strong. Nothing gets passed me." I said crossing my arms with a glare. He smiled at me before picking me up by my underarms. He turned around and put me down. "Keep working on that." He said before leaving the room and exploring the house. "I'm so dead." I told myself.

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