Chapter 25

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I stood out in the woods currently killing more compelled humans. My phone rang and I answered it annoyed. "What is it, Hayley?" I asked ripping a head off someone's shoulders. "Where are you?" She asked. "As of right now, I am slaughtering the men from which my recently resurrected undead asshole of a father compelled to kill me. So, what on blood earth could be so important you had to call me?" I asked. "Elijah is missing." Hayley said. "My brother's whereabouts are of no concern to me at the moment because I am trying to not die at the hands of my father, Mikael. I may enlighten you. Had the one weapon that can kill Originals. Luckily for me. I now have it. So, if you'll excuse me, love. I have a father to hunt down to end this endless game of Cat and Mouse." I said about to hang up. "What about Elijah?" Hayley asked. "What about him? My brother can handle himself. He's done so for a thousand years. He can do it again for a few more hours." I said hanging up.

I searched every nook and cranny of New Orleans for my father. My phone rang again. It was Cami. "Camille. What's wrong? I'm kind of in the middle of something." I said. "Oh. I know you are. And if you ever want to see your blond supernatural therapist. I suggest you come to the warehouses...alone with the White Oak stake." Mikael said on the other line. "Don't even think about killing her." I said deadpan. "Why would I do that? I'm going to kill you and then kill her next." He said hanging up abruptly. I sped away to the warehouses and walked into one to find Mikael holding Cami by her throat. "The prodigal son returns. Give me the stake." Mikael said. "Give me Camille and perhaps I'll kill you quickly." I said pointing the stake at him. "I wonder how much bravery it is taking you to stand up to me like this. After all, I am the only thing that you fear in your immortal pathetic life. Funny how life works, isn't it boy?! The all-powerful Original Chimera, Mieczyslaw Stiles Mikaelson. Fears nothing but his own father." Mikael goaded with a smirk. "Let. Her. Go." I said tightening my grip on the sharpened piece of wood. I ran at him as he did he same. I slammed my fist into his face and kicked him in the gut. He grabbed me and threw me across the warehouse. He sped to me and slammed me into the ground snatching the stake from my hands. He aimed it at my chest fighting to run it through me. I struggled desperately to survive. Camille smacked Mikael in the back of the head with a makeshift weapon. He stood up and looked at her surprised and a bit proud. "You're very brave girl. And very stupid." Mikael said grabbing her by the throat and throwing her to the ground. I stood up and ran at him. He countered, dodging the attack and slammed the stake into my chest. I stopped in front of a horrified Camille, who screamed. I could feel immense pain overwhelm me. I fell to my knees feeling the stake's power take over me. I tried to take the stake out before falling to the ground dead.

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