Chapter 156

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"Brother?" Klaus asked. "You mean to tell me...that you knew?" I asked. "Since the wedding...yes." He answered. "I'm just supposed to be okay with this? Huh? Be okay with letting them go?!" I asked. "I never said that." He stated. "Yeah well. You didn't have to, did you?" I spat. "Freya and Davina have been trying to find a way to save them. But Oliver and Hope are about to experience their first full moon. The witches that we've talked to say...that they're sure...Ollie and Hope won't survive the night." He said with tears. "I don't believe that." I spat. "Brother. Why would I lie?" Klaus asked. "Don't give me that!" I exclaimed shoving a finger in his direction. "The brother I know...would NEVER give up that easily. I will not let these kids die. Not if I have anything to say about it." I said walking out of the room.

I looked at Elijah who was eavesdropping. "How'd you think that was going to go?" I asked looking at Elijah. "About like that." Elijah said as Klaus followed me. "Get in the car. The three of us are taking Hope and Elijah on a little trip." I said. "Are you out of your mind?" Elijah asked. "They can sleep on the drive." I argued. "Stiles! You heard Niklaus." Elijah said. "Well...Niklaus should learn a thing or two about me. I don't accept defeat." I said. "Where are we going?" Klaus asked. "Hope's school knows how to deal with a werewolf's first transformation. They have a facility." I said. "Mystic Falls? I take it you have a plan." Elijah said. "I do and while I execute it, I need you two to look after them. To make sure they don't exert themselves." I said turning to look at them both. "Wouldn't it be better for you to find someone Hope and Oliver despises a little less than me? Perhaps quite literally anyone else they've ever met." Elijah said. "How they feel about you is of no consequence. I have until the crest of the full moon to save their life. We've defied the inevitable for a dozen lifetimes. I am not about to surrender to it now. Please, Elijah. Niklaus. You two are the only one I trust." I said. "What about Hayley?" Nik asked. "She's already on board. It's her children. It'll be a cold day in hell before she lets one of her children die." I said before leaving. 

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I walked into the Salvatore School with leaving Elijah, Niklaus, and Hayley to watch over Oliver and Hope. "At the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, we are big on spirit. Education is our first priority, obviously. We've sent students to the Ivy League, to Silicon Valley. Of course, if you're looking for a more unique course of study, I assure you, we are unmatched." I heard the familiar voice of Klaus's beloved, Caroline Forbes. "We believe in inclusive blending of the species here. So, outside of full moons, vampires, witches and werewolves all cohabitate peacefully." She said as the two of us watched her do a tour. "Where do you keep the hybrids and chimeras? In the root cellar?" I asked smiling. Caroline looked over at me. "Excuse me. I just need  one minute with this very lost new janitor." She said looking at me with a glare. I kept my smirk as she walked to me. "Come on, Bob. I'll show you the toilets." She said walking passed me and I followed after her.

"Seriously?" Caroline asked looking at me. "You're not exactly a selling point for this place." She said as I leaned against her desk in her office. "Oh, because these kids have so many other options." I said. "I thought we made a deal about you showing up in Mystic Falls." She said. "That was a long time ago. And if I're thinking of my older stubborn brother, Niklaus. Elena and the Salvatore brothers happen to like me." I said. "Look, I need your help, Caroline." I said. "The almighty immortal Upgraded Original Chimera needs help from a measly regular vampire? I highly doubt that--." She said scoffing. "Oliver and Hope are dying." I said bluntly. "They consumed the dark magic and now it's consuming them. They won't survive tonight's full moon." I said. "They triggered their curse?" She asked. "It was my fault...and Nik's." I said. "I thought that the Crescent wolves could control the their transformations." She said. "Not the first one. It's a rite of passage. Unavoidable." I explained. "Well, what do you need from me?" She asked. "I need a very rare type of witch...from the Gemini coven." I said. "You can't be serious." She said. "I need your daughters, Caroline." I said. 

"No! No, absolutely not. They're-they're children." She argued. "They're siphoner witches. It's what they were born to do. Siphon magic from one thing--" I started. "And put it in another." Caroline finished. "So, after they siphon it from Hope and Oliver, what are they supposed to do with it? You can't just shove a demon in a jar and put in on a shelf." She said. "Oh I'm well aware...I've seen my group of friends in California try it with the one in me." I said. "So. What?" She asked. "They'll put it in me." I answered. "That's great. And then you can practice mindful meditation while we just cross our fingers and hope that you develop some sort of temper. Oh, wait." Caroline said sarcastically. "Do you remember when you and your friends threatened to chain my brother up, drown him in cement and drop him in the deepest ocean? Well, when your daughters put the magic in me, I need you to make good on that threat...but with me. I won't fight you." I said. "No, I was just a kid back then. I didn't know...That was a long time ago." She said. "I can't allow my son and daughter to die. But I promise you I will not endanger yours. Caroline, please. Caroline. I'm begging you." I pleaded.

"What do we get if we say yes?" A Saltzman twin asked. "The warm feeling in your heart that comes from helping a friend in need." Caroline said. "Well, we are in need of new cell phones." The other said. "And permission to go to the senior solstice dance. And, you and Dad take the skirt-length rules out of the dress code. It's anti-feminist and oppressive." The brunette said. "And not cute." The blonde said. "Wow...They're like tinier versions of you, Caroline." I said looking at Caroline smirking. "You. Shut up." She said pointing at me. I raised my arms into the air. "No to the phones. Maybe to the dance. And yes to defying the patriarchy one plaid skirt at a time. Deal?" Caroline said. "Deal." The brunette said. "Now Mr. Mikaelson is going to explain exactly what he needs you to do. Very clearly and kindly, without even a hint of a temper of frustration." Caroline said looking at me. "First of all, thank you." I said before a sharp pain erupted in my back and out my chest. I let out scream as I crumpled to the floor. 

"You can cool off here until I get you 1,000 miles away from my daughters." Alaric said dropping me into a cellar. "Alaric." I strained unable to move but he left the cellar. I let out a growl as I got to my feet. I grabbed the arrow and yanked it out of my chest. "That bloody hunter." I spat kicking the cellar door open.  I sped upstairs leaning against the wooden post. The bloody arrow in my hand. Alaric aimed a crossbow at me. "Very impressive system. Secure, I'm sure, if you're a baby werewolf navigating puberty." I said glaring at Alaric as I threw the arrow to the floor. "But I'm a little past that." I said. "Stiles..." Caroline said. "Alaric's right. The ocean won't hold me. Hell...even being reduced to nothing but ashes didn't hold me. That's the difference between me and my siblings. They die...and come back. So do I. They get stabbed by White Oak...They die. I get stabbed...I come back. They get bit by an Upgraded Original Vampire...they die. If I get bit...I just get royally pissed off. The point is...not even the Devil himself could keep me dead. When I've transferred the Hollow's magic out of Hope and Oliver, I don't intend to drown it." I said pulling a dagger out of my jacket. "What is that?" Caroline asked. "The only thing in the entire world that can kill an Upgraded Original Vampire. The only thing...that can kill me. When the power is in me, there's only one way to make sure it's gone for good. Someone needs to kill me." I said.

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