Chapter 71

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I sat on a sofa back at the compound. After Klaus set Cami on the sofa opposite of me. I looked at him, "What happened with Aurora?" I asked after a couple seconds of silence. "Heartbroken but not that I care. The only thing I care about right now is Camille." Klaus answered. I slowly nodded my head. "Lucky you." I said thinking about Hayley. "The only woman I care about in the world...bloody hates me and wants me dead at her feet." I said rubbing my face. Klaus sighed. "Her loss then." He stated before I stood up and headed to my bedroom.

The following day I stared out the window of my room at the Quarter below. I heard voices downstairs and went to go see what was going on. Unfortunately, it was Jackson and Hayley. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Great. That was before I smelled dried up blood. I sped down the stairs to find my eldest sister in the sofa not looking well at all. "Great. It's nearly Christmas and one sister is missing and the other looks as of she is about to keel over and die." I said crossing my arms looking at Freya and at Elijah who walked in. "I feel fine now. Thanks for the concern." Freya stated. "Uh-huh. Sure you are." I said unconvinced. "I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem." Elijah stated. "Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen." A female said walking into view. "Rebekah!" I said surprised. "Shocked to see your older sister?" She asked. "Possibly." I answered throwing my arms around her. "What situation?" I asked her. "This one." She said holding up her arm. There was a raised irregularity on the inside of her wrist. "A hex." I said taking a closer look at it. "It appeared after I took this stake out of her." Elijah responded holding up an ornate dark red stake. Skulls lined the entirety of the wooden weapon. "This is no ordinary stake, brother. This is a cursed dark object. And a deadly one actually." I said taking it from him and examining it. "Has the same power as the sleep inducing daggers that our lupine brother love so much. Only difference being...the silver daggers only put us to sleep. Allowing us to feel impervious to anything while under its power. This...however forces the victim to feel everything that we wouldn't normally feel. The thirst for blood, the cold, the agonizing torment, and everything in between. Very similar to Papa Tunde's blade now that I think about it." I said studying it. " The more the mark grows on her wrist...she'll go mad. Left unchecked, you will become a relentless, unstoppable Jack." I explained. Everyone was staring at me. "How do you know so much about it?" Rebekah asked. "Because...this was the first weapon to ever be used against me. It was also then that I realized that I couldn't die from its curse." I breathed out looking up from the cursed weapon. "When was that?" Hayley questioned. "Hmm...if I remember the early 11th Century." I stated crossing my arms. "During your reign of terror across Europe ." Cassius announced appearing on a chaise near the giant Christmas tree. I looked at him. "You only remember that because that was the same century you were turned." I said. "Hey! I only stand here today because you ripped the head of that Executioner clean off his body." He said walking over to me. "Lucky you." I said. "You then went on to generously offer me the gift of immortality." He said with a wide smile. "How is any of this relevant to the current situation?" I asked him. "It's not. Just looking back on good memories." He said plopping down beside Freya. Elijah gave me his infamous curious look. I shrugged and shook my head. "I can reverse it, I just...Need some time, and a hell of a lot of magic." Freya said standing up and looking at me and Elijah. Her eyes fluttered before she collapsed into my arms. I widened my eyes looking down over at Elijah. "Does she normally do that?" Cassius asked looking at Freya with concern. "No. She doesn't." Elijah responded as I set her back down on the sofa behind her. 

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