Chapter 60

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I limped over to Isaac, wincing. "When I find that bitch...I'm going to send them flying across the nation and see how they like it." I growled. I waved my hands over his body. I snapped my fingers and flames sparked onto my fingertips. "Sorry buddy. You can hit me later." I said to the unconscious Isaac. I slammed my white-hot fingers into the starting point of the poisonous flower. Isaac's eyes snapped open glowing bright yellow. He let out a scream as he squirmed to get away from the burning sensation in his body. "I know. It sucks but trust me Isaac. If I don't get this fucking thing out of you won't be moving at all!" I shouted over his screaming. "CASSIUS! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! NOW!" I shrieked holding my burning fingers on Isaac's poison. Cassius stood on the other side of the sofa and held him down. Isaac began to shift out of anger and pain. "Oh shit." I said looking at Isaac's wolf face. He kept roaring. "Isaac! Isaac!" I screamed. I clenched my jaws getting pissed off. My eyes flashed violet before shifting into the scarlet red color again. I roared back at Isaac in a deeper tone than usual. "ISAAC!!!" I yelled my voice echoing throughout the penthouse. Isaac looked at me confused turning back into a human again. "Stiles?" He asked. "Yeah it's me, scarf-boy. You gonna calm down now?" I replied my vision returning to normal. The poison receded back to the starting point. Once every last bit of it was back, black claws shot out my nails and I dug into his skin. Regardless of Isaac's dismay. I yanked the aconite out of him and immediately turned it to ashes. "There. You happy now?" I said breathing heavily. "Thanks." He said sitting up. "Don't mention it. Besides, I think someone might be happy to see you. Well...your face anyways." I said helping him to his feet. "My what now?" Isaac asked. "Your face. Yeah...wait, you didn't think you were the only person in the world that had your face, did you?" I asked raising a brow. "Considering what I now know about you and your...siblings. I highly doubt it." Isaac said looking at me and over at Klaus and the others. "Is that Tom Holland?" Isaac whispered to me. I sighed with a groan. "Yes! Yep! Isaac, that is Tom Holland." I said looking over at the first of my sireline. Cassius was currently smirking at my reaction. "Ello mate." Cass said waving his fingers. "Let me guess...Tom is one of you...isn't he?" Isaac asked. "You catch on pretty quick, Scarfy." I said handing him his shirt. I glanced at the silent Hayley. "You're not very good at this, are you?" I asked her before speeding out the house.

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