Chapter 14

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Stiles POV

     I fell to the floor and breathed rapidly. I looked up to see Hayley kneeling down beside me. "You good?" She asked. "If you call being used as an infinite source of power for a resurrected witch, good? I'm doing phenomenal." I said getting up. I looked at Rebekah. I ran at her but was stopped by Elijah and Klaus. "Let me go." I spat. My eyes glowing. "I get that you're angry with Rebekah. Angry for trying to kill you for being loyal to your older brother. But listen to me, Stiles, we are a family. We made a promise. Always and Forever." Elijah said. "Oh cut the sentimental bullshit. You know that I never fell for that stupid promise, Eli." I said struggling against my older brothers. "Stiles. Listen to me. Our quarrel is with Marcellus. Not Rebekah. We can deal with her after we have dealt with my protege." Klaus said looking at me. I clenched my jaw still struggling. I finally stopped after I looked at Hayley. I walked away and turned back around to face my siblings. "So...What's the plan?" I stated looking at Klaus and Elijah. "We are still trying to decide our course of action. We still have to figure out a way to beat Celeste and the other witches. We also don't know where Papa Tunde is." Elijah said. "I'm about to do a witch hunt for those sons of bitches." I said curling my hands into fists. My siblings began to bicker like always. Of course, the Holy Mikaelson Trinity arguing as always. I closed my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows trying to think. I shook my head clenching my jaw running my hand through my hair. "Shut the bloody hell up! How the hell are we going to get anywhere if you three are too busy tearing each apart like always?! Huh?! I can't think! God! Argh!" I said as my eyes glowed purple and veins appeared under my eyes and my fangs elongated. I collapsed to the floor pressing my hands against my head. Elijah appeared by my side. "Stiles!" He exclaimed. "Stiles....isn't here at the moment." I said demonically looking up quickly. "Oh bloody hell." Klaus said. A smirk grew slowly on my face. I sped towards Rebekah. "We don't like to be betrayed." I said pinning Rebekah to the wall behind her. She bared her own fangs and her eyes going red. "We?" Hayley asked. I threw Rebekah across the room. "You made a grave mistake. You mess with Mieczyslaw. You get me." I said as the lights flickered in the room. I laughed. "Marcel...that's why I'm here Rebekah." I said. "What?" She asked. "You told me the main reason why I'm here wasn't to follow Klaus's orders. I'm here because of Marcel." I spat twirling a knife between my fingers. "Why?" Rebekah asked. "I want to kill him." I said throwing the dagger next to Rebekah's head. Klaus and Elijah ran at me and I dodged and grabbed them both and threw them back. "Stiles!" Hayley screamed. I spun around to face her with a growl as claws elongated out the tips of my fingers. I ran at her and jumped towards her. I was sideswiped by someone before I could reach her. I rolled along the floor and landed on my feet. My claws scraped the hard wood floor as I slid to a stop. I looked up to see an old friend. "Stiles what the hell are you doing?!" The man asked slowly standing up. "Scott McCall." I said standing up with a smirk. 


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