Chapter 86

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"You know...for someone who claimed to be sure do die a lot....Maybe it has something to do with me. can't get enough of me. That's why you run into fights blinded by your own stupidity. And here I thought people were supposed to become wiser as they grew older. All you've done is grow more stupid." A metallic voice echoed in the darkness. I looked around. "Who said that?" I voice echoing as well. A maniacal laugh was returned and sent a shiver down my spine. "Don't tell me you've forgotten the sound of my voice. After all we've been through...My only question is...for a person that was truly did you end up in this hell hole?" The voice asked. I spun around. All I could see was darkness..unending darkness. "Why don't you bloody face me and tell me where the hell I am?!" I shouted. The voice chuckled. "So much...aggression. And yet...with all that power...YOU LOST TO A VAMPIRE THAT WAS YOUNGER THAN YOU!!!" The voice exclaimed. "Come out and show yourself. Maybe then you'll see that I don't go down as easily as you thought." I taunted. "Oh don't even try. I'm the only one that actually understands you. You and I are very alike but....where you failed...I succeeded. I think you lost faith in your don't know what's going on with you?" The voice said before gasping. 

"You don't have the slightest clue as to what's happening to you, do you? That's a bloody shame. I would have thought after seeing your eyes turn blood red ever since Hayley and the recently deceased Jackson came back unwolfified. Your uncontrollable outbursts of rage...the fact that you bloody died...TWICE!!" The voice jeered. I could hear the voice encircling me but I couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from. "You've already seen this happen with someone else that you know. Of course...I'm not gonna give you the answer...That'd be too easy. After all...I do love my riddles." The voice continued. A brief flicker of light flashed above me and I realized that I was in a hallway. I saw a figure at the other end. A small amount of light shone beneath him before flashing brightly around him. It was me...but it wasn't. It was a perfect mirror image of myself...but I knew...this person was definitely not me. "Remember me now?" He asked. "Nogitsune." I answered. He walked towards me teleporting 5 feet forward each time. Until he stood before me face to face. He wore a devious smile on his pale face. Multiple set of fangs were laid bare for me to see. His eyes caught my attention though. They were blood red...and glowing bright. "Surprised?" Nogitsune asked. "Possibly. How is this possible?" I asked. "The same way it was possible before...your black door is cracked open a bit. Not a lot but enough to let me slip through." He answered. "Why are your eyes glowing like that? You're a kitsune...that shouldn't be happening." I stated. 

"Silly Mikaelson. You think this is the Nogitsune that you are looking at? No...this is something entirely different. Something...that has been sitting in the darkness waiting for the right opportunity to make his appearance known." The being explained. "Remember Derek Hale?" He asked. "What about him?" I questioned. "There was a time when he thought he was...losing his powers...starting with his change of eye color. Then he lost most of his abilities to the point he was practically just a human." He explained. "Why can't you just give a straight answer for once?" I asked him. "Ah! Being pushy and impatient will get you nowhere. Now...where was I? That's right. Then...he died. I'm sure I don't have to you tell you the rest." He said circling around me. "I know what happened. He came back as a fully morphed wolf and took down Kate. Why is any of this relevant?" I asked. "Because what happened to happening to you." The fox said with a smirk. "Only difference...being the end result." He added. "What are you talking about?" I inquired. "Surely. I don't have to remind you of your recent foe, Lucien Castle. How he drank some bloody serum that Vincent Griffith cooked up in the middle of nowhere. His end, quite literally, if I may say...ended with him turning into the undead equivalent of Captain America. Without all the patriotism and ridiculous star-spangled tights. I know you noticed something different about him." He ranted. 

"His eyes...they looked like yours do now." I said. "If I didn't know any better...which I do...I'd go on a limb and say that whatever happened to Derek Hale happened to Lucien Castle...on a more...mystical and faster scale." He said. "Derek said that he thought he was losing his powers. But in reality...something else was happening. Can you guess what exactly?" He asked. "He was evolving." I answered with realization. "Ding ding ding! He evolved. And now so did Lucien. However...He made himself into that...monstrosity. You however...that's a different story." He said smirking. "What are you talking about? Actually, who are you?!" I asked shoving him away. "Isn't it obvious? I'm you...only I'm better. Stronger...faster...unstoppable. Don't you see what's been happening to you now? If it isn't clear to you now. Then may God help you." He said. "I'm....evolving." I whispered. "Not evolving." He said disappearing. I now stood in his his clothes. "Evolved. Haven't thought of a name yet...because I was on a time crunch...You had just died so." He said. "How did I evolve?" I asked. His voice now resonated within my head. "You died...your body and supernatural physiology changed and now you're stronger than you were before you died...both times. Think of it as an upgrade...ooh...I like the sound of that. Upgraded Original. Or Evolved Original? No...I much rather prefer the Upgraded option." He rambled. "Why are you helping me?" I asked. "Because...there's a ladder of hierarchy of power and someone knocked you off the top platform. I want to take it back...forcefully." He answered. "Can't argue with that." I stated. "Now wake the bloody hell up. It's time to get to work." He said. I let out a growl as my new scarlet eyes glowed brightly. "Yes...Let's go skin us a douchebag." I stated with a devilish smirk.

" I stated with a devilish smirk

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