Chapter 80

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"Do you think it's a good idea for me to show up to Jackson's funeral?" I asked Hayley. "He'd want you to be there." She said. I nodded my head before we walked outside to send Jackson off. I stayed behind as Hayley said her goodbyes and pushed Jackson into the lake. She stood next to me as we watched the flaming corpse of Jackson float away. "I'm sorry you've become a part of my family. No person should have to go through the things you have." I told her. She looked at me. "It was my choice to stay." She stated. "Would you have made that choice if you knew he died?" I asked looking at her. She went silent. I nodded my head. "I'm sorry. That was cold." I said before backing away. "I guess I'm still flustered and angry after seeing in that state of torture and pain. Seeing you like that just made my blood boil. Made me want to become Jack and sadistically slaughter everyone that had a part to play in your torture." I spat. She grabbed my hand. "You've been through a lot, Stiles. More than most people could handle. Don't lose yourself to your Ripper." She said giving a gentle squeeze. I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed it. "The only things that kept my you." I said before I smiled and sped away. 

T I M E   S K I P

"Wait...what are you talking about? They are going to try and delink our sirelines?" I asked looking at Marcel. "They trying to get Davina to perform the spell." Marcel explained. Elijah walked in. "Brother...the Crescent wolves have found Aurora." Elijah explained. I looked at him. "Let's get this over with." I said going to leave. My arm was pulled. I looked back at Elijah. "I think it wise if you stayed behind, brother." Elijah said. "I think it wise if you bring me along." I said. "After all...I am our biggest weapon." I said. "We don't know if someone has a found a way to end you." Klaus said looking at me coming around the corner with an old friend. "We've already discussed this. Niklaus, I can't be killed. Also...what the bloody hell is Stefan Salvatore doing here?" I asked. "Stiles." Stefan said nodding his head. "How's Caroline?" I asked. "Good. She also doesn't want me dead so...that's why I'm here. Vice versa." He answered. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "A vampire, Rayna Cruz, is hunting him. I killed her us...she can resurrect herself." Klaus said. "Impressive." I said. "Still doesn't explain his being here." I stated. "She wounded him...the wound acts as a beacon that draws Rayna to Stefan no matter where he is." Klaus said. "Fun. How does it feel to have woman chasing after you that doesn't happen to be Elena?" I asked him. "Weird." He said. "I bet. Nevertheless, I prefer your presence than your brother's so." I said with a shrug walking towards the exit. "Stiles." Elijah said. "What?!" I asked. "Stay here." He said. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Eli." I said. "Elijah...let the fox come with us. He'll might prove to be of use in future predicaments if we are met with anything." Klaus said. "Thank you! See?" I said before speeding out of the compound. 

I walked alongside Elijah and Niklaus. "Wanna explain why you paid a visit to Mystic Falls?" I asked Klaus. "I trust Stefan. If he knew that Caroline was in trouble he would jump at the opportunity to save her." He answered. "Didn't you two have a thing or something?" I asked. "'ve made my failed attempt at having a relationship with Ms. Caroline quite clear." Klaus said looking at me. "Sorry. Must've slipped my mind." I said before we came across an suv. "Gentlemen." A woman said. "Aya." I stated. "What a unpleasant surprise. Must you always ruin a good evening under the stars?" I asked her looking at the sky. She pulled out the gun used against my older siblings. I let out a growl as my eyes went red again. Why does that keep happening? "I'm getting tired of having that bloody thing pointed at us." Klaus shouted. "Fine." She said aiming at Elijah. "I'll let someone do the job." Aya stated. "Like someone could take me if they had the balls to do it." I taunted. "Please. You're not that great as you make yourself to be, Stiles." Aya said before I fell to my knees with scream. Elijah and Klaus did the same. I pressed my hands to my head before I collapsed to the ground.


"We need to find them. Before they break the sireline." I said. "I'm gonna go on a limb and say that everyone that is part of Stiles sireline myself included actually WANT to be part of Stiles sireline." Cassius said sitting across from Lucien. "Maybe we can sneak in through a vent?" Stefan suggested. "What would that accomplish? Besides possibly get you passed the vampires that are what? Seven times your age? Is this seriously the only help we have?" Lucien asked pointing at Stefan. "Like your help is any better. You're nothing but a scoundrel." Cassius said. "You best watch that mouth of yours, Cassius." Lucien said. "And you best watch yours." He said. "Guys! Fighting will solve nothing!" I shouted. "Agreed. We need to come up with a way to get inside the building." Marcellus said. "I think we might have a way." Freya said walking in. "Freya might have a way to break through the chambre." I said. "It'll require a lot of magic and power. Lucien you'll suffice. The older the vampire, the better the battery." Freya said smirking. Cassius let out a laugh. He sighed smiling. "Bloody hell. This just made my day." He said. "Wait wait wait. Why me?" Lucien asked. "Because unlike you, I trust Cassius." Freya said snapping his neck. Stefan looked at the fallen vampire. He looked at Freya. "Impressive." He said. "So how are we gonna get into the building?" Marcel asked. "I think I might know a way. You just need to get us passed the gate." Stefan said looking at Marcel. 

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